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Finally in the Home Stretch!!!
(12-19-2020, 08:51 PM)natshar Wrote: Any reason you need to do the history of math? You could easily replace it with another math option from ACE or TESU. My advice would be to take a ACE class for math and then 1 credit at TESU to get to 16. Or if you can't do that take an easy math class at TESU.

What classes do you have for asnsm math so far?

Also if you want to add another degree just for fun you can add an AA general studies just for the heck of it with no extra work. wouldn't server a purpose though but it would be another piece of paper.

Also apply to TESU ASAP because you'd want to get in before there 30 RA credit policy takes place.

Also how did you send everything to TESU yet? because if with new ACE system you could be screwed if you didn't send it yet.

History of Math is mostly just an interesting subject to me. I actually already have all my math credits done (Using CLEP-College Mathematics, Precalculus, Calculus,, College Algebra, and Mathematics). That being said, I may end up not doing History of Math depending on the professor (as I've read unfavorable reviews about a couple who teach it). Fortunately, I've sent everything to TESU, sent my last credits today.

(12-19-2020, 09:51 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: DamonPage, yes, taking the 18 credits would get you the cheapest flat rate tuition for residency purposes.  I would only recommend that if you're not working and don't have any other commitments (kids, etc), as this would be too much to get done in 12 weeks.  The most important thing you need to know is time management, you can extend the courses, but it will only be possible if you "complete at least 50%" of it and you get only 8 weeks for the courses if you needed.

1) You should keep your current degree plan and the two ASNSM, don't go for any other AA as you can't take 3 associates at TESU, you can have more associates but why bother.  It's the Bachelors or higher that's more important and worth it for ROI in the future - In fact, maybe a FOREIGN Masters/MBA is in your mirror!

2) As I pointed out earlier, you're taking an UL Math course for your ASNSM, you can use that course for something else, unless you really like Math and it's a simple subject.  Then sure, why not?
3) I would apply and submit all transcripts right away before the end of this month and the new policy kicks in.  You have up to March 1 to have all the ACE/NCCRS credits taken and transferred.

4) Last but not least, I know you want to be the Guinea Pig, ya - the Big Cheese, so sign up for this, haha, seriously, consider it when you're done with the BA and 2 ASNSM's! Because it will only cost you an extra graduation fee at TESU and courses required in my Link Here:
I'm definitely expecting it to be a lot of work, and I'm actually trying to prepare (especially in regards to the Capstone) in time I have before classes (I'll start in the February term).

On your second point, I'm mostly just interested in mathematics. Though as mentioned above I may decide on a different course depending on the professor.

Fortunately I've already sent the vast majority of my credits. I'm waiting on one CLEP score to arrive that should be any day now, and just sent my credits today!

And I'll check that out, always interested in new opportunities, so I'll see if it's something I am up to. Thanks for the info!

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