08-06-2013, 01:47 PM
ryoder Wrote:NCU has 30 credit masters programs that are at an 8 week or better pace per course. You can finish early if you want to and you can get the syllabus for the next course or so while in a course so you can get ahead without officially enrolling. I finished in about 7 months and could have finished in a shorter amount of time if I hadn't been forced to sit on the sidelines for a while due to the way I enrolled prior to being granted my BSBA.
Hi ryoder,
I just graduated with my Bachelors in Communications from TESC, and I am looking for a online Masters in Management. I see NCU offers it, and from your description of the school I think it is the best fit. The tuition cost doesn't matter since I will be using the Post 9/11 GI Bill. My question to you is, what is the format of the courses? Is it similar to all online school with discussion boards, replying to other students, and having a research paper weekly? Thank you!