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Failed my first Clep, Business Law
Never thought I'd be making one of these threads but after 18 Clep/Dsst tests, i failed my first one today Sad

I took Clep Business Law and got a 47. (Needed 50 to pass). This could have been from many reasons, it could have been because I only had a week of study time, or the fact i don't do well with the legal concepts and legal/court terms. With this test i marked about 10 questions for review.. which i changed 4-5 of my answers, which might have hurt me, who knows. Also the fact that Clep tests have 5 answer options, which im starting to dislike more and more. Definitely increases the "second guessing of myself"

Pretty bummed out.. and down $100, but, I don't have time to get discouraged and stop, I've been on a roll and have goals to meet. So im off to my next test for hopefully next week!

Quick question for those who may know...

Im going for my BSBA Gen Man. @ TESC and this CLEP was for the Business Law requirement under Core Business classes.. Will the Dsst Business Law II fill this requirement as well?

Under the course equivalences for TESC its listed as..
Clep Business Law (Law201-CE)
Dsst Business Law II (Law202-DE)

Any help is appreciated!
BSBA General Management @ TESC 03/2014
AAS Environmental Safety & Security Technologies @ TESC 03/2014
AS Public Fire Service Option @ CC 12/2012

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
College Algebra
US History I
Natural Sciences
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
College Composition

Principles of Supervision
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Business Ethics and Society
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Computing
Management Information Systems
Principles of Financial Accounting
Money and Banking
Principles of Finance
Business Law II

21 Completed

Strategic Management
Sales Management

Business Communications
Business Law
Accounting II

Intro to Stats (24 hours!)

In Progress
M.B.A Management Cal Coast University
Great attitude. Good luck with your next test.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Yes, the DSST B Law II exam will count towards the B Law requirement. The CLEP is reputed to be one of the more challenging ones and so is the DSST. Hopefully, you can take the lessons learned this time around to be more successful next time. Good luck!
CPA (WA), CFA Level III Candidate

Currently pursuing: ALM, Data Science - Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (12/48, on hold for CFA/life commitments)
MBA, Finance/Accounting - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2015
BSBA, General Management - Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, NJ, 2012

Well since they say that misery loves company, let me lend you a shoulder to cry on as long I can borrow one of yours for a sec. I failed the English Praxis II exam today by 4 points. Disappointed? Yep. Mostly though because I didn't take studying for it seriously enough since this exam was my "back-up" to Social Studies (which I ace'd). So do what I'm going to do: take a few moments to whine, complain and moan, and then get back to it. One thing to keep in mind though for a retake is that now you have a much better idea of what to study more of for the next time. Sure the exam will be different that next time, but brush up on the areas you were weak on the first go-round and try again!
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.
Don't forget that the Saylor course (BUS205: Business Law and Ethics) will also fulfill TESC's business law requirement for the General Management degree. The course is free and the only possible cost is if your local proctor charges a fee or if you use Proctor U.
TESU BA June 2018.
Various business certificates still to do.
Btw, don't forget that you have the option of taking this course through Straighterline: Online Business Law Course - Business Law Class - StraighterLine


You can take this course through Saylor: BUS205: Business Law and Ethics « – Free Online Courses Built by Professors

Both will fulfill the business law requirements for the TESC BSBA degree just like the CLEP and DSST exams.

Oh and Saylor's course is only $25 for the proctor fee. Just sayin'... Wink
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.
I've failed before, an biz law was for sure a tough one. Best advice I could give move on, but remember how awful it feels to see a failing grade pop up on the screen. Use it as motivation.

Keep up your great attitude! Go get your next ones!
Awwww bummer. It happens, it happened to me too. I remember feeling like I got kicked in the teeth for a while after, but try not to let it get you too down. Smile
I'm with IrishJohn on this one. Take it through straighterline (but do all your SL courses at the same time to save money) unless you have enough time to wait and take it again. I wouldn't take the bus law II exam because you'll just be setting yourself up for failure. Bus Law and Money&banking were the two exams I was most afraid of. I ONLY studied IC flashcards and passed both (see scores below) but they were difficult. Best of luck to you
CLEP: College Comp, Analyze Lit 72, Social Sci & His 67, Natural Sci 62, Micro 56, Macro 64, Psychology 69, Sociology 58, Mgmt 65, Mktg 67, Bus Law 69

DSST: Law Enforce 67, Money & Bank 61, Org Beh 70, HR Mgt 61, Bus Ethics & Soc 432, MIS 454, HTYH 456, Substance Abuse 465, Intro Compute 460, Intro Business 446, Intro World Relig 475, Supervision 438

TECEP: Advertising
TESC: Business Mathematics
FEMA: 3 credits for Free electives
ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Trig
PENN FOSTER: Strategic Bus Mgt, Consumer Behavior, Financial Mgt
STRAIGHTERLINE: Accounting I & II, Managerial Bus Com, Statistics

Finished April 2013 (14 months of work) - Graduated June 2013 with BSBA Gen'l Mgmt from TESU
2017-Going to enter WGU's teacher program 5-12 Chemistry
My only advice is not to take BLII lightly, I've recently taken both and found BLII much more difficult than BL. BLII you not only needed to understand the terminology but you also need to know how to apply it (many scenarios). You weren't far of on BL, and there is some (not a lot) crossover. Best of luck and failing only one out of 18 is awesome, especially when you look at the pass/fail rates.

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