02-04-2008, 07:50 PM
I am also going for the BS in Lib Studies through Excelsior and I have thought about the original question of why have a B.S. in a field not directly related. I know it's basically a req't if you trying for federal or NJ state employment. I also know my previous employer (Sunoco) covets people w/4 yr degrees over those that don't have them. That could be your ticket off a process unit (rotating shifts)and on to day work. It's a big ticket for military promotions for enlisted as long as you have the professional record. Another reason is it has been proven those w/Bachelors Degrees earn on average more than those that don't. I have also seen examples where the degree wasn't needed. My former plant manager at Air Products did not have a degree (so he told me) and he ran the plant. Certain trades pay just as well as degree holders, especially if you have certification. Once again, at Sunoco there are a lot of people making over $100,000 w/out a degree and I know a lot of people making good money w/out any degree, just solid skills. One thing I'll say about going for the BLS from Excelsior, by trying to get it quickly and focusing on what I consider useless classes (World Population, Religions of the World etc), I don't have the time to focus on the important things that I should. There's something to be learned from all these classes but a lot of it is common sense info that has new verbiage attached. It's like learning a different language. I have one final thought and not meant as an insult to ANYONE, I don't want to sound like a hippocrite because I am going for this degree as well. Unless you are going into a technical field, nursing, science etc, I truly believe way too much emphasis is put on a degree in our culture. Liberal arts may be important but technical skills are much more valuable. How many people out there know someone who has no degree and yet impresses you not only with their work ethic but conceptual knowledge. Just my 3 cents worth.......... Now let me get back to my World Population course :}