05-15-2014, 10:55 PM
This message is for pinkykiddos....
I did get your PM's and had a response all typed up, but for some reason the forum isn't letting me respond to you. It says that your username can't be found. banghead So that's why I'm posting here. If you could PM me your email address, I'll be more than happy to respond to you that way.
Thanks and sorry for the delay in responding!
Mods - you can delete this post after I get a response. Thanks!
I did get your PM's and had a response all typed up, but for some reason the forum isn't letting me respond to you. It says that your username can't be found. banghead So that's why I'm posting here. If you could PM me your email address, I'll be more than happy to respond to you that way.
Thanks and sorry for the delay in responding!
Mods - you can delete this post after I get a response. Thanks!
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71
Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80
, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437
Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.
Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%
Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95
Auditing - 89
Adv. Acct. - B
Fed Income Taxation
BSBA Accounting
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71
Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.
Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%
Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95
Auditing - 89
Adv. Acct. - B
Fed Income Taxation
BSBA Accounting