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Excelsior and ALEKS
I did a search and couldn't really find an answer concerning ALEKS courses transferred to Excelsior. I came across conflicting information on different threads regarding what duplicates, so hopefully someone can clear this up.

On an older thread one of the members posted...

irnbru Wrote:Just adding my own experiences with this subject for general information. Your mileage may vary.

A while back I emailed my advisor asking if, of the three maths courses below the level of calculus, I could have pre-calculus and college algebra included on my transcript. It was a bit of a vanity thing as I'd rather have those than Beginning Algebra. The long and short of it was described as follows:

My supervisor was able to get me the results of her review of the ALEKS classes this morning and she determined, based on the course information ALEKS provides, that College Algebra, College Algebra with Trigonometry, Intermediate Algebra and Pre-Calculus all duplicate. So, you can only receive one of these classes. Beginning Algebra and plain Trigonometry do not duplicate anything. So, to eliminate any duplication and to stay within the three course pre-calculus cap, I have awarded you Beginning Algebra, College Algebra and Trigonometry.

The two key pieces of information here are that Beginning Algebra is accepted as credit at EC and that the Liberal Arts advisors are excellent. This is part of a discussion I had with my advisor; I went back and asked for an explanation as to why these options are as they are and (as usual) the reply was both in-depth and speedy. The other ALEKS courses will be included on the final transcript, 'below the degree line' and it was great to have clear reasoning.

Here the poster's adviser messaged him that Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Pre-Calculus duplicate.

But then on a more recent thread the op posted...

deucess Wrote:I just received my updated transcript from Excelsior. I had taken inter algebra, college algebra, pre-calculus, intro to stats, bus stats and behavioral stats. Excelsior gave me credit for the math classes and the behavioral stats. I am enrolled on the BSBA Global business program and you would think these other two stats would have been considered for additional business electives courses. They are all listed on my transcript as natural sciences/math. Was anyone able to get all the stats transferred? Please let me know how you approached them and whether or not you had to file for an appeal. I am really interested since it four months to complete all of these courses (including hookie time). Thanks.

I'm lead to believe that this poster was able to receive credit for all 3, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Pre-Calculus without duplicating.

My feeling is that maybe Excelsior doesn't have a clear cut policy on which ALEKS courses duplicate. Maybe those of you that have transferred ALEKS credits to Excelsior can post which ones.

Thanks in advance.
HI Max Droid,

I completed 6 classes through Aleks, and Excelsior credited me for all of my 3 math classes and 1 stat class. I am on 4/17/2012 academic policy date, and the first quote above could be in a earlier/different policy. I don't know what your situation is and if you have the time, but if you're uncertain, you can complete all of them in about 1 month or 2 . I took me about 3 because I wouldn't sign on for weeks at a time. Come to think of it, Intermediate algebra, intro to stats, and behavioral stats were last minute afterthoughts; and they all took me no more than 2 hours each to complete.
Goal: BA in Liberal Arts and ASBA in Business Administration @ TESC
In progress:
Liberal Capstone (finishing Dec 2014)
Clep Marketing (Sched 11/7)
DSST Ethics in America (Sched 11/7)

CLEP 12: Eng Comp; Computer Applications
Straighterline 81 credits, 27 classes: Accounting 1 & 2; Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2: Business Communications; Business Ethics; Business Law; Anthropology; Economics 1 & 2; Biology; Business; Environmental Sciences; Nutrition; Philosophy; Religions; Sociology; Organizational Behavior; Principles Management; US History 1 & 2; Western Civilization 1 & 2; Microbiology; Medical Terminology; Psychology; Criminal Justice
TEEX 6 credits: ALL
ALEKS 12/18 credits: Inter & Col Algebra; PreCalculus; all 3 statistics
BM 13: ENG 1, Legal Terminology, Stategic Thinking, Info Lit
FEMA 30 credits: completed in 2012 and 2013 ( too bad they won't transfer now, waited too long)
Kaplan 3 : PLA
Hi Max,

I wish I could give you a concrete answer. As you've found, there's a bit of a haze in assessing how to award the credit. In the end I took it as the adviser interpreting the syllabi as being too samey, rather than a clear progression in learning outcomes; beginning algebra and trigonometry are definitely different enough to treat as separate classes and the distinction between beginning algebra and college algebra is enough to demonstrate a progression. I took the credit and that was that.

If you can handle precalculus, you might as well go ahead and do all six maths courses and know you'll be guaranteed your nine below-calculus credits. You could certainly contact an adviser and ask for a concrete answer on which three courses you could take.

Finally, credit will only be awarded for one of the three stats courses at EC. From what I can remember, you might as well do the intro course as the behavioural and business courses cover much of the same ground as the latter half of the intro course, then they stick to examples/problems more relevant to their respective subject areas.

Sorry that this is unlikely to tell you anything you didn't know, since you've clearly spent time doing your research. Next step is probably contact EC if you don't want to do all six maths courses?

Good luck!

Edit: If I had to guess, I'd say that credit is being awarded as: beginning/intermediate algebra(3cr) + college algebra(3cr), then any course involving trig(3cr).
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Excelsior College 2012
Master of Arts in International Relations, Staffordshire University, UK - in progress

All courses taken, 12 credits applied
A&I Literature (74), Intro Sociology (72), Info Systems and Computer Apps (67), Humanities (70), English Literature (65), American Literature (51), Principles of Mangement (65), Principles of Marketing (71)
Management Information Systems (469), Intro to Computing (461)
Excelsior College
Information Literacy, International Terrorism (A), Contemporary Middle East History (A), Discrete Structures (A), Social Science Capstone (A)
GRE Subject Test
Psychology (93rd percentile, 750 scaled score)
English Composition I&II, Economics I&II, Accounting I&II, General Calculus I, Business Communication

Progress history[/SIZE]

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