12-14-2010, 05:37 PM
From an email I just received:
Quote:Excelsior College is delighted to announce that Excelsior College Examinations (ECEs) are now available at all Pearson VUE academic testing sites in addition to the Pearson VUE Testing Centers where ECEs are already being administered. The addition of over 800 new sites offers students more testing appointment options and access to centers that may be located closer to where they live. Overall, this will make our computer-based examinations more accessible to individuals who want or need to demonstrate their college-level competency in a variety of academic subjects.
Our students who take credit-bearing exams live and work all around the globe and study and work in all disciplines. ECEs are a highly efficient way to demonstrate subject matter expertise and are widely accepted as proof of competence. ECEs are often used to gain credit earned by examination, for advance placement or to assist in admission decisions at a variety of colleges and universities.
Excelsior College is proud to offer our exam takers a safe, convenient, and secure testing environment at more than 1,000 testing locations around the world. Please visit Computer-Based Testing Provider for Certification and Licensure Exams: Pearson VUE to locate a testing center near you. To learn more about Excelsior College Examinations, visit excelsior.edu/exams.
Best wishes for your academic success!