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I have been using Instantcert flash cards and have been successful with all 3 exams taken thus far. However, I was told that the Environment and Humanity flash card set will not give me similar results and was advised to read "Cracking the AP Environmental Science Exam" instead. I have passed all of my previous exams and am wondering if someone put there has had good luck with the flash cards? If so, did you have extensive recollection on the subject prior to asking the exam. I'm really nervous to stray from the flash cards. Plus the book is pretty hard to read continuously. Please help. :willynilly:
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I cannot comment on the book you mentioned because I have never heard of it. However I can say that I used the flashcards and passed the Environment and Humanity exam easily about a year ago. I would say that I did have extensive recollection of the subject matter, because the flashcards were very accurate. I also used the practice test on the Free Clep Prep website, that was very helpful, and complemented the IC flashcards well. If I were you I would check the specific feedback section for this particular exam and see what others have said recently and take the practice test at the Free Clep Prep website a couple times until you feel comfortable with the material. Most people here think the exam is very easy. I admit the flashcards for this exam were a little tedious to go through, but someone posted a study guide (post #55) in the specific exam feedback that was also very helpful.
Hope this helps
Clep's Passed: Humanites 70, Sociology 60, Psy 74, HG&D 61, EP 64
DSST's Passed: World Religions 480, Vietnam War 67, Environment & Humanity 67, M&B 64, MIS 449, Org Beh. 64, CJ 437, SA 450, USSR 64, CW 66,
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bluespecial is right on the mark with testing info. Enviro & Humanity is a fabulous test, (if tests can be fabulous!). If you are even remotely interested in the subject, you will do fine. I didn't use the book, just the flashcards and the feedback info - that was enough for me - two days study and I scored a 70. Good luck, Kpb!
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I took this test past year, and I used IC, Wikepedia, and Snyderm's notes (post #55 in the Specific Exam Feedback). I felt that this prepared me well. I started going through the "Cracking the AP Environmental Exam" first because I had heard that was good for this test. But it was tedious to read through, so I switched to the flash cards and liked those better.
For IC, I did one section at a time. First, I went through the section slowly, writing down terms and lists, and looking up any specific terms on Wikipedia. I have found that that sometimes, IC doesn't always use the best terms for certain things, and Wikipedia will correct that. (For example, "agroforestry" is also called "alley cropping.")
Then I went back over that section a couple more times (usually 2-3), as well as doing only the list of questions whose answers I got wrong to really make sure I knew everything. The only section I really didn't go over in depth was the "Political Processes" one. The EPA (and other organizations), as well as how a policy or law is formed is important, but I saw nothing on anything else I studied or on any of my practice tests about the different worldviews. Just an FYI to save some studying time...but I don't know if the test has been changed since then.
I took one free practice test created by Free CLEP Prep (Free Clep Prep) , and read over the answers afterwards. You only have to create a username and password to use these.
I took the first Official DSST Environment and Humanities practice test (did it two times). Got 70% and 74%, respectively.
Finally, I read over Snyderm's studyguide 3-4 times...very helpful!! Definitely need to read for this test.
This was not a terribly difficult test. Between IC and Synderm's notes, you should be fine.
Know your terms, and pay attention to the "est" percentages (biggest, most, greatest, least).
[COLOR="#000080"]The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. John 7:18
[COLOR="#000080"][COLOR="#0033ff"]The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. (Chinese proverb)
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Human Growth and Development - 62
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Oh my! Thank you so very much!! I was afraid I wouldn't get any replies, as I wasn't sure I was posting correctly. You are awesome! Hope all is well! I will be sure to post my results!
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Lol, tests can be fabulous, lol! Thank you very much for consigning blue special. I can't remember learning some of the stuff in my earlier school days, but am hoping it comes back to me in the process. Thank you for the well wishes! I wish you the best in all you do as well!
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I am officially on a mission to finding post #55 ! Thank you blue special, storyteller, and SoliDeoGloria! The world needs more kind people like you!!!
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A book on environmental science sounds like overkill. I, too, only used the flashcards and scored a 70.
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