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Enrolled TESC BSBA Favor/Question
Hello, I am trying to find out the TESC equivalent of Straighterline's new Financial Accounting course. I emailed them and the only answer I got was a "best guess" that it would be Intermediate Accounting. I was told that to know for sure I would need to enroll and talk to a counselor. I am not going to enroll with TESC until April (trying to get some tests out of the way before then). Does anyone know how that course will transfer or can an enrolled student ask for me? I would really appreciate it.

This is how TESC transfers the other SL Accounting courses:
Accounting I = Principles of Financial Accounting
Accounting II = Principles of Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting = Cost Accounting
Financial Accounting = ???
Good question! I submitted a ticket today (12/17). I'll let everyone know what I hear.

Anyone else notice that the new straighterline site is missing the "course equivalencies at partner schools" page. The old straighterline site had it. Hey, Straighterline Team why no copy-paste?

P.S. I bet Financial Accounting does not equate to Principles of Financial Accounting. That would be far too easy to remember.
ALEKS: College Algebra, Introduction to Statistics, Pre-Calculus
CLEP: American Government, American History I, Principles of Marketing
DSST: Business Ethics and Society, Civil War and Reconstruction, History of the Vietnam War, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Money & Banking, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
Straighterline: Accounting I, Accounting II, Business Communications, Business Ethics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Managerial Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management
Bad news, I received the following response: "The Straighterline Financial Accounting course does not transfer over as an upper-level course."

Honestly, I don't think TESC knows what the financial accounting course will transfer as.

As an update, the new straighterline site now has a course equivalency section. As of today, it does not include the new straighterline courses (financial accounting, principles of management, et cetera). The link below is for TESC.
Equivalency Search Results - StraighterLine
ALEKS: College Algebra, Introduction to Statistics, Pre-Calculus
CLEP: American Government, American History I, Principles of Marketing
DSST: Business Ethics and Society, Civil War and Reconstruction, History of the Vietnam War, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Money & Banking, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
Straighterline: Accounting I, Accounting II, Business Communications, Business Ethics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Managerial Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management
Thats a great page they added. Nice to see it officially.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
I don't see Business Ethics on the list, unless I'm blurry-eyed an just not seeing it. It's not a new course.
Maybe (fingers crossed) they will use it as Intermediate accounting. That is only 200 level.

In regards to the Business Ethics course, when I first transferred it in they counted it as a philosophy course (Ethics & the Business Professional) that did not count towards a business major. When I asked why a course with "Business" in the title wouldn't count towards a business degree, they changed it so that it counts as an elective.
Did TESC transcribe SL Business Ethics as a free or business elective? It is listed as PHI-384 "Ethics & Business Profess" for me, which counts as nothing (Other Courses). I would LOVE to use Business Ethics as a business elective.

How SL Business Ethics transcribed as other than PHI-384 for others?
ALEKS: College Algebra, Introduction to Statistics, Pre-Calculus
CLEP: American Government, American History I, Principles of Marketing
DSST: Business Ethics and Society, Civil War and Reconstruction, History of the Vietnam War, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Money & Banking, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
Straighterline: Accounting I, Accounting II, Business Communications, Business Ethics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Managerial Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management
They did the exact same thing for me as they did for you at first. So, I asked:

"Why doesn't PHI-384 Ethics & the Business Professional transfer as a Business elective if it is business-specific?"

And their response was:

"PHI-384 now fulfills a Business Elective."

And that is how it shows on my academic evaluation. I would have to check to see if they changed the course number or left it as PHI-384.
amilitab4k9 did you ever find out what the TESC code was changed to?
Thomas Edison State College
AAS - Environmental, Safety, and Security Technologies (done! Graduating in December 2012!)
BA - English (done! Graduating in June 2013!)

Int. Algebra - 70, College Algebra - 80
College Comp - 55, A&I Lit - 74, English Lit - 57, American Lit - 62, Humanities - 58, Social Sciences & History - 66,
Info Sys & Comp Applications - 70, Intro. Psych - 60, Human Growth & Development - 55, Biology - 56
Race to Save the Planet - 66, Intro. to World Religions - 462, Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union - 56
21 credits - done!
Hallelujah I'm done all the tests I had to take! Thank you IC! Smile :hurray:
Just rechecked my academic evaluation and they didn't change it. It is still listed as PHI-384, it's just now listed under business electives.

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