06-28-2018, 07:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2018, 09:30 PM by docmarvin.
Edit Reason: MISSPELLED Subject
Starting a new accountability thread since the previous one didn't work out (ASNSM Math/BA Math). I decided to keep the ASNSM Math since I'm almost done with it and changed my bachelor's to BS Health Services Technology to utilize majority of my military credits. Added BSBA GM but might change it to BSBA Accounting depends how I feel on those accounting courses (maybe Certificate in Accounting).
Graduate by June or September 2019.
24 sh from TESU (Military Requirements)
(3) BUS-421 - Business Administration Capstone
(3) APS-401 - Current Trends and Application
(3) TECEP - MAT-105 - Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics - Aug Term
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
Please assist me on the rest of courses I need for COMP SCI and BSBA.
I want to use the TECEPs on the easier one and does not required essays on the spot. Not good at essays so I plan on taking the Study.com course. I took the DSST to avoid essays but was unsuccessful (370/400). I need to practice to prep for the capstones.
I want to do Saylor courses as well since it is cheaper. I pretty much wants to complete all, except the CAPSTONES prior using my TA so I am on my own.
Completed all TEEX computer courses. I want to do the Saylor/CLEP/DSST. I don't have much for the BSBA Core/AOS.
Any assistance will help. Thanks!
Graduate by June or September 2019.
24 sh from TESU (Military Requirements)
(3) BUS-421 - Business Administration Capstone
(3) APS-401 - Current Trends and Application
(3) TECEP - MAT-105 - Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics - Aug Term
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
(3) TECEP - ___________________________
Please assist me on the rest of courses I need for COMP SCI and BSBA.
I want to use the TECEPs on the easier one and does not required essays on the spot. Not good at essays so I plan on taking the Study.com course. I took the DSST to avoid essays but was unsuccessful (370/400). I need to practice to prep for the capstones.
I want to do Saylor courses as well since it is cheaper. I pretty much wants to complete all, except the CAPSTONES prior using my TA so I am on my own.
Completed all TEEX computer courses. I want to do the Saylor/CLEP/DSST. I don't have much for the BSBA Core/AOS.
Any assistance will help. Thanks!
Thomas Edison State University
ASNSM in Mathematics - 54/61 (Graduate by June 2020)
ASNSM in Computer Science - 55/61 (Graduate by June 2020)
BS in Health Services Technology - 106/120 (Graduate by December 2020)
BSBA General Management - 72/120 (Graduate by December 2020)
US Military Apprenticeship Program
Certificate in Medical Secretary - Earned in 2019
Certificate in Dental Assisting - Earned in 2019
ASNSM in Mathematics - 54/61 (Graduate by June 2020)
ASNSM in Computer Science - 55/61 (Graduate by June 2020)
BS in Health Services Technology - 106/120 (Graduate by December 2020)
BSBA General Management - 72/120 (Graduate by December 2020)
US Military Apprenticeship Program
Certificate in Medical Secretary - Earned in 2019
Certificate in Dental Assisting - Earned in 2019