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Decision made (FINALLY) - BALS at TESU - now what?
Big Grin 
Thank you all for any help you've offered me in this journey. I've got decision fatigue for weeks now and I'm done with this. A decision has been made - I'm going to do BALS at TESU. I can't imagine the thought of the math and accounting of a BSBA at this age. 

I have some credits from Seton Hall and some credits from Grand Canyon Univ where I currently go. I might be transferring in 20 if I'm lucky. SO I'm basically starting from scratch.

Now that the decision is made, I'm not sure where to go from here. Here is my situation; I will be able to get Tuition Assistance in 6mos which will pay $6000/yr.  (Not sure if any of this matters now bc I want to do SDC, SL, etc., but it might be a factor later on (?) so I wanted to mention this just in case).

Do I apply now so I can see where my credits will map and then figure out what classes on SDC, SL, etc I should take for the others? Am I required to take any classes within the first year if I don't graduate in that year? 

Once I'm accepted, what do I do? Do I enroll or wait until I am closer to completing? (I feel like I need to commit to something or it won't get done so I'd like to enroll but not sure I understand the costs, if any, if I don't take classes there (is it just the residency waiver and capstone?)).

Oh and a quick question about the UL credits for this degree, are they in the concentrations? For example General Mgmt has 6 classes. Are those the UL classes or can I take any of them as long as they are within Liberal Studies?


Edit to add courses:

Grand Canyon University
UNV-103 - University Success - A (4 credits)
UNV-104 - 21st Century Communication and Information Literacy - A (4 credits)

Seton Hall (all 3 credits):
BMIS 2701 - Mgmt Info Systems - B
PHIL 1104 - Logic - C+
PSYC 1101 - Intro to Psych - D
SOCI 1101 - Principles of Sociology - C+
ECON 1402 - Principles of Economics - D
PHIL 1105 - Ethics - C+
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
Why don't you start and list all the credits you have?
course # and course title

TESU is super generous as long as you passed them it should be good. Someone here can help plan them into a degree plan.
[-] The following 1 user Likes natshar's post:
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(03-12-2019, 08:04 PM)natshar Wrote: Why don't you start and list all the credits you have?
course # and course title

TESU is super generous as long as you passed them it should be good. Someone here can help plan them into a degree plan.

Great idea - thank you!  Just edited to add them.
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
(03-12-2019, 08:10 PM)suzycupcake Wrote:
(03-12-2019, 08:04 PM)natshar Wrote: Why don't you start and list all the credits you have?
course # and course title

TESU is super generous as long as you passed them it should be good. Someone here can help plan them into a degree plan.

Great idea - thank you!  Just edited to add them.

Are any of them 300 or 400 level? Also is the logic course a logic language programming course or like logic and reasoning type course?
(03-12-2019, 08:12 PM)natshar Wrote: Are any of them 300 or 400 level? Also is the logic course a logic language programming course or like logic and reasoning type course?

(Just listed course numbers and none are 300/400 and logic was reasoning type course). Thanks for your help!!
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
So I'm just going to start with your tuition assistance: I'm assuming that it's company paid, and just an FYI that some companies won't pay for the residency waiver.  So if that's the case, then TESU is probably not the school for you.  Instead, you should go with COSC.

Also, some companies will let you use the TA to pay for online courses if you can show that they will apply to your degree, and the school will take them.  My husband's company would do this.  Now, the "membership" portion of the costs wasn't covered, so he couldn't use or SL, but he could use everything else (Sophia, Ed4Credit, Saylor, CLEP, DSST, etc.).  So you'll want to find out if anything is covered.

That being said, I made a TESU degree plan for you.  If you go there, you should apply and send your credits, and then start on your alternative credit courses.  You'll need to take a TECEP exam along the way, since you'll want to lock in your catalog (the course requirements).  But it's only $75 for a LL exam, so it's totally worth it to do.  I'd take the Applied Liberal Arts Math course, as I thought it was the easiest TECEP I took out of 5.

As you can see in the degree plan, all UL credits will be in the AOS/Major.  With the GM cert/concentration, TESU requires that at least half are UL courses, and those would count towards your UL AOS requirements.  I have it laid out for, although there are other places you can take some of the courses (I just don't have them listed).  Now, normally, business courses don't count towards a BALS AOS, so I'm not entirely certain how TESU decided to do this.  So the 2nd page of my degree plan lists the GM concentration courses in the AOS, but I would double-check to make sure that those will work there.  Org Theory, Industrial Psych and Managerial Comm definitely count as BALS, but Change Mgmt and Negotiations normally don't, so those are going to be weird ones.

Anyway, find out about how TA works, and make sure that they will cover the costs, otherwise, you'll want to consider COSC instead.

Attached Files
.xlsx   suzycupcake TESU BALS.xlsx (Size: 77.58 KB / Downloads: 36)
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
(03-12-2019, 11:46 PM)dfrecore Wrote: So I'm just going to start with your tuition assistance: I'm assuming that it's company paid, and just an FYI that some companies won't pay for the residency waiver.  So if that's the case, then TESU is probably not the school for you.  Instead, you should go with COSC.

Also, some companies will let you use the TA to pay for online courses if you can show that they will apply to your degree, and the school will take them.  My husband's company would do this.  Now, the "membership" portion of the costs wasn't covered, so he couldn't use or SL, but he could use everything else (Sophia, Ed4Credit, Saylor, CLEP, DSST, etc.).  So you'll want to find out if anything is covered.

That being said, I made a TESU degree plan for you.  If you go there, you should apply and send your credits, and then start on your alternative credit courses.  You'll need to take a TECEP exam along the way, since you'll want to lock in your catalog (the course requirements).  But it's only $75 for a LL exam, so it's totally worth it to do.  I'd take the Applied Liberal Arts Math course, as I thought it was the easiest TECEP I took out of 5.

As you can see in the degree plan, all UL credits will be in the AOS/Major.  With the GM cert/concentration, TESU requires that at least half are UL courses, and those would count towards your UL AOS requirements.  I have it laid out for, although there are other places you can take some of the courses (I just don't have them listed).  Now, normally, business courses don't count towards a BALS AOS, so I'm not entirely certain how TESU decided to do this.  So the 2nd page of my degree plan lists the GM concentration courses in the AOS, but I would double-check to make sure that those will work there.  Org Theory, Industrial Psych and Managerial Comm definitely count as BALS, but Change Mgmt and Negotiations normally don't, so those are going to be weird ones.

Anyway, find out about how TA works, and make sure that they will cover the costs, otherwise, you'll want to consider COSC instead.

If your employer pays for the classes then you should exceed the 16 credits in residence to eliminate the fee.
[-] The following 1 user Likes vetvso's post:
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(03-13-2019, 01:51 PM)vetvso Wrote: If your employer pays for the classes then you should exceed the 16 credits in residence to eliminate the fee.

That could certainly be a work-around if your employer won't pay the residency waiver. You would take at least 16 credits of online or guided study courses to avoid the residency waiver fee. The downside is 4 more courses that are not self-paced.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
(03-12-2019, 11:46 PM)dfrecore Wrote: So I'm just going to start with your tuition assistance: I'm assuming that it's company paid, and just an FYI that some companies won't pay for the residency waiver.  So if that's the case, then TESU is probably not the school for you.  Instead, you should go with COSC.

Also, some companies will let you use the TA to pay for online courses if you can show that they will apply to your degree, and the school will take them.  My husband's company would do this.  Now, the "membership" portion of the costs wasn't covered, so he couldn't use or SL, but he could use everything else (Sophia, Ed4Credit, Saylor, CLEP, DSST, etc.).  So you'll want to find out if anything is covered.

That being said, I made a TESU degree plan for you.  If you go there, you should apply and send your credits, and then start on your alternative credit courses.  You'll need to take a TECEP exam along the way, since you'll want to lock in your catalog (the course requirements).  But it's only $75 for a LL exam, so it's totally worth it to do.  I'd take the Applied Liberal Arts Math course, as I thought it was the easiest TECEP I took out of 5.

As you can see in the degree plan, all UL credits will be in the AOS/Major.  With the GM cert/concentration, TESU requires that at least half are UL courses, and those would count towards your UL AOS requirements.  I have it laid out for, although there are other places you can take some of the courses (I just don't have them listed).  Now, normally, business courses don't count towards a BALS AOS, so I'm not entirely certain how TESU decided to do this.  So the 2nd page of my degree plan lists the GM concentration courses in the AOS, but I would double-check to make sure that those will work there.  Org Theory, Industrial Psych and Managerial Comm definitely count as BALS, but Change Mgmt and Negotiations normally don't, so those are going to be weird ones.

Anyway, find out about how TA works, and make sure that they will cover the costs, otherwise, you'll want to consider COSC instead.
@dfrecore oh my gosh I don't know how to thank you - thank you SOOO much! This is absolutely huge! 

I didn't look at COSC because their degrees were confusing to me because it said "Bachelors in General Studies" and I'm honestly not sure what that means. I saw they have Organizational Leadership and Human Resources which aren't math heavy but I love the way you have it mapped out for me with TESU. I think with TESU I like having a clear plan as you have given me. I can mark off more green as I go along and I'm excited about it.

Curious though, will they make me take the cornerstone within the first couple months? I need to wait 6mos for TA to be paid so I don't want to take that right away because work will cover that.

I'm not too concerned about the residency cost considering right now I'm paying $2000+ a class out of pocket. This is a huge savings!
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
(03-13-2019, 03:23 PM)suzycupcake Wrote: Curious though, will they make me take the cornerstone within the first couple months? I need to wait 6mos for TA to be paid so I don't want to take that right away because work will cover that.
dfrecore did include the newly required version of the TESU cornerstone (3 credit SOS-110), so there is no urgency for you to take it.  I would work on gaining the credits from alt sources that you need until your tuition assistance kicks in. Taking a LL TECEP (such as the Liberal Arts Math she suggested, I believe that also will take care of your math for the BALS) is a great place to start; it gets you enrolled so that you can send in transcripts right along. It is always easier with TESU if you are an actively enrolled student - and it is nice to see things post to your evaluation and turn 'complete' (many of the alt providers send transcripts for free).
Amberton - MSHRB


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