01-05-2023, 09:43 AM
Quote:Saylor is MUCH harder than CLEPs.
Are the courses themselves more difficult or longer? Or both? Or are the tests harder?
Quote:Modern States will take some time to earn the free CLEP voucher.
Is this because the courses themselves are long?
Quote:Often people here know more than the advisors of these colleges
I'm certain of it lol! I've has another account here from 2016 and never posted though (read only.)
I know this is the holy grail of forums about upskilling and leveling up.
Quote:if you have any questions, let us know.
Well, while I have you--
Could you recommend any other tools and websites useful for studying?
How do you manage banging out course after course and learn/retain enough to pass and gain enough to build off for future courses? I hate to say it but I've found myself victim of the forgetting curve for long courses on campus. I've tried flashcards but I think I just have bad study habits. I put off honors but with great stress. Any suggestions?