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Joining Navy As An Officer
Has anyone here ever earned a degree from one of the Big 3 before enlisting as an officer in the Navy?

I've been seriously considering it for the last few months. I'm 24 and probably won't be finished with my degree (BSBA CIS) until I'm 26. I'm interested in network security and crypto, and I'd like to know how the recruiting process works.

Do I get to choose what field I want to work in? Or do I have to take some type of test? I've heard references to "A" school and "C" school, but I'm not exactly sure what it means.

Has anyone here ever attended the Naval Postgraduate School? How competitive is it?

I'd appreciate your response.

I'm interested as well. I am active duty Air Force looking to commission... if not the Air Force, I'm going to try the Navy and Coast Guard.

I recommend heading over to It's one of the Officer portals for various branches, tons of information regarding becoming an officer. A lot of information as been answered for myself just by lurking.
I've spoken with officers who've used the big 3 before, but I couldn't tell you what degrees might be required for what fields. From the officers I've spoken with, you can have an underwater basket weaving degree and you'll qualify for ocs. Now obviously there might be stipulations but don't quote me on those...
In general, for all branches, if you're not applying for a Professional field such as Medical or Law; your degree is practically irrelevant. What they look at is your scores on the Officer examination (different for each branch), as well as what your goals are, qualifications, and how you compete against others.

For those already enlisted such as myself, it is much more competitive. Your entire enlisted career will be a basis for judgment when competing for a position to go to OCS/OTS.

All I can say for those who are enlisted and hoping to cross over into the Officer world: make yourself stand out in as many good ways as possible now. Volunteer a lot, coordinate events (to exhibit leadership), and try to win awards.
If your looking into Navy, look into the Sta-21. What it is they pay you to attend school
STA-21 is a good resource but to my knowledge, is strictly for those who are on active duty, which I am presuming you are not due to your remarks of A and C schools. If you have the time and resources, apply to a school that has a NROTC program and apply for a NROTC scholarship. It will pay a portion if not your whole ride through college, you have a for sure seat in the officer community and you also have the chance to go to a larger school then one of the "big three" (nothing against them).

Intro to Law Enforcement 57
Principals of Supervision 53
Organization Behavior 49
Human Resource Management 50
Intro to Business 53
Ethics in America 431
Art of the Western World 50

College Mathematics 46

Saint Leo University, BA Criminal Justice Cum Laude (3.83)
Applying for Fall 10 Auburn University MBA
One more thing, contact a Naval Officer recruiter, they are an invaluable resource. Check out, because if you are going to seek your degree then commissioning, that is the route you are going to have to go. One last thing, start looking up gouge (info) on the ASTB (similar to the ASVAB for enlisted community). It is the required test to qualify for the Navy's OCS program.

Intro to Law Enforcement 57
Principals of Supervision 53
Organization Behavior 49
Human Resource Management 50
Intro to Business 53
Ethics in America 431
Art of the Western World 50

College Mathematics 46

Saint Leo University, BA Criminal Justice Cum Laude (3.83)
Applying for Fall 10 Auburn University MBA

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