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HELP with what courses I need for Excelsior nursing degree
If anyone is in the Rn program with excelsior please help me. I have been caught up in the you need this and you need that from college network to, ETC. I want to earn my ASN I am currently a paramedic but my previous college credits were in bussiness and most are not excepted for some reason or another UGHHHHHHHHH. Here what I have so far I have oral communications, and passed a clep for intro to sociology here what istudy says will take care of my degree does this appear right. Are there easier classes or is this the way to go. Cant get a straight answer from excelsior or Istudy

• Anatomy & Physiology
• English Composition with Essay
• Essentials of Nursing Care - Health Differences
• Essentials of Nursing Care - Health Safety
• Introductory Sociology<====================>passed
• Life Span Developmental Psychology
• Microbiology
• Nursing Concepts 3
• Nursing Concepts 4
• Nursing Concepts 5
• Nursing Concepts 6
• Nursing Concepts Found. of Prof. Practice
Are you enrolled at Excelsior? If so, what was the date? Before Oct 1, 2007 or after Oct 1, 2007?
[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]Bachelor of Science - Excelsior College[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Liberal Studies[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Areas of Focus: Administrative/Management & Health Professions[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I have not enrolled with excelsior yet because I was told I didnt have to until I got into the Nursing portion. I am knocking out the basics first, saving some money that way I get the used books and take the clep, dsst, exe. exams or at least thats my plain. Honestly I just cant afford excelsior right now. And why would I when it only cost me books and test money. But then again thats probably why I cant get a straight answer huh. I just want to know if i have to have biology or can I substitiute Natural science both 6 credits. I know I am required to have micro, anat/physo, english comp, and humanities but what humanties. Any help is greatly appreciated
The nursing program changed on Oct 1, 2007. Those who enrolled before that date had to complete the 7 Nursing Concepts exams (4 credits each), and the CPNE (clinical) exam. Those who enrolled after Oct 1, 2007, have to take the "Essentials" and "Differences" type exams. These are taken in place of the old "Nursing Concepts" series, not with them. There are 8 of those, each worth 3 credits each, (and there is also an additional exam that has to do with head to toe exam, working with health team, or something. ) And you must still pass the CPNE.

I am puzzled why Istudy has designed a program for you that has both. It is my understanding that you are in one program or the other. The exams to do not mix.

Also, the CLEP English comp with essay no longer meets Excelsiors Written English Requirement for their degrees. You will have to take the EC English Comp exam, or course, or find another equivalent.

If you have had speech, then that paired with English Comp. should take care of your Humanities requirement. Double check it when you enroll, though.

For Lifespan Developmental Psych, you have three options. From cheapest to most expensive there are CLEP-Human Growth and Development, DSST- Developmental Psych and EC-Lifespan Development. The cost for CLEP is similiar to DSST , but the DSST exam is awarded a letter grade by EC, Clep is pass/fail, this is important to remember if GPA is something you care about.

You have to have 4 hrs A&P, and it must cover the whole body, EC has a 6 credit exam to cover this. Also, you must have 2 hrs Micro, and EC has a 3 hr exam for this one. As far as the other science, it must be "supportive of nursing". Biology would definately count, but I am not so sure about Natural Sciences. My guess is that it would not, but double check with an advisor when you enroll.

Last but not least, do not forget the ever popular Information Literacy Requirement that EC has. It is one credit,and costs almost $300 if you take it through them.

Hope this helps.
[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]Bachelor of Science - Excelsior College[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Liberal Studies[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Areas of Focus: Administrative/Management & Health Professions[/SIZE][/COLOR]
LifeSpan is not that bad, I took that after a week of studying.

Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology from ECE take the $60 practice exam, it encounters alot of the topics that will be on the test and it gives you a feel for what you will encounter.

Hope it helps

[SIZE="1"]Exams so far:
DSST - Intro to Computing (62), Elementary College Algebra (58), World Religion (435), Principles of Public Speaking (failed)
CLEP - Intro to Sociology (61), Intro to Psychology (68),CLEP - College Algebra (57)
ECE- Lifespan Developmental Psychology (B), Anatomy and Physiology (B), Microbiology (B)

Currently Studying : Foundations of Gerontology 12/6, American History I 12/20, Freshman College Composition 12/20[/SIZE]
Here is a little bit of advice. Don't Spend a lot of money on TCN, RUE, Istudysmart or anyone who going to be reaching in your pocket for thousands of dollars. I have passed NC 1 & 2 with some study material i purchased on ebay by Lisa Arends. It only cost me $72 for study guides for all of the (nursing) exams and it is well worth it. She also has A&P, Microbiology, Pathophysiology, Ethics, Lifespan development psy for $12 each. You can't beat that anywhere! Instantcert academy is great, I have passed 6 (lifespan development psy,anthropology, criminal justice, law enforcement,US Hist 1,Here's to your health) exams using only instantcert. I went to take the human growth and development test and they said they had was lifespan dev. and I still passed it. I would advise using(nursing,a&p,micro,lifespan,&ethics) Lisa Arends$72, Medstrong Nc1-7 $55, and instantcert (for all the rest, and ethics)$20 monthly*24= $480. Compare $604 to the thousands you will spend on all the rest(TCN,RUE,etc). As you know 1 study guide from TCN is $500. Believe me I know people who purchased TCN and it is sitting on cabinets collecting dust! Just try lisa arends along with instantcert and you will never regret it.
studygroup101 on ebay is better IMO than lisa ardends notes..I got all my guides on ebay..if interested let me know....doable program, I'm waiting for my CPNE date

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