04-14-2019, 05:17 PM
(04-12-2019, 05:12 PM)GreggT67 Wrote: Maybe some of us want to see our overall GPA tracked and memorialized for ourselves, not because "maybe we might impress an employer" but for ourselves. We know it's not going to impact our COSC GPA because that's based on the courses taken through COSC. Some of us actually made an effort to learn something and not get through by the skin of our teeth. Pass just feels like our efforts to get an A isn't quite appreciated, especially when grades from Straighterline come across as a letter grade. It wouldn't be so hard for COSC to take that 87 or 90 or 93 and apply the correct letter grade to it using their own scale.If I weren’t interested in an answer then I would not have asked the question. It is not a personal attack on you or anyone else. As a future COSC student with these types of credits it is important for me to ensure that I’m not overlooking something or misreading a policy that might help me as I go through the process of re-enrollment. That would be the first reason why knowing someone’s motivation might be important. I did well in those classes too, and if having an “A” instead of a “P” would help me in some way I had not thought about then I would like to know about it.
Is that an acceptable answer? Why is knowing my motivation and probably a few others a big deal? These ARE rhetorical questions. Definitely not interested in an answer.
Maybe those of us interested in it should reach out to Sophia and Study.com (and maybe others that I'm not aware of) and ask for them to follow standard letter grades so they can transfer to COSC without showing as Pass/Fail.
The second reason why getting clarification on someone’s motivation would be important is that vpassenheim is clearly not just trying to memorialize their achievements. They want to affect their institutional GPA. So it’s obvious that not everyone is using the same rationale that you are. I would venture to guess that most people are hoping that this is some way for them to bump their GPA or look better for grad school. If this isn’t possible then they should be made aware before they waste time and money. You know, one of the main focuses of this board.
The third reason why knowing someone’s motivation is important is because someone can see a person with seniority and as much knowledge as cookderosa putting effort into something like this and misunderstand why she’s doing it if she hasn’t given a clear reason in this thread. They just see that she is going through this effort for her children and they might make the assumption that it is to provide a benefit like a GPA bump, etc. That’s not something she might have intended, but that’s just something that comes with the territory sometimes. Having her clarify why she is pursuing this can cut out on misunderstandings in the future.
These kinds of clarifications are necessary to help people that aren’t in your situation because not everyone IS in your situation.
Newlane University- BA In Liberal Arts
Southeast Tourism Society - TMP (02/2020)
Pierpont Community and Technical College - AAS BOG, AOE: English (12/2018)
FEMA - PDS Certificate (04/30/2014)
GED (11/16/2004)
Newlane University- BA In Liberal Arts
Southeast Tourism Society - TMP (02/2020)
Pierpont Community and Technical College - AAS BOG, AOE: English (12/2018)
FEMA - PDS Certificate (04/30/2014)
GED (11/16/2004)