03-17-2014, 05:44 PM
Any suggestions on what tests to take to satisfy the classes needed. Thanks in advance
I) A: Intellectual Skills
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellectual and
> Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I, 3SH with grade of C or better
> *English Composition II (Writing Intensive), 3SH with grade
> of C or better
> *Math, 3SH
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives, 6SH
Credits: 13.32
C) ENC-101
ENC-101 English Composition I...... 01/01/99 C+ 3.33 *TE
C) ENC-102 (Writing Intensive)
ENC-102 English Composition II..... 03/01/03 B- 3.33 *TE
C) Math
MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Mathem 08/01/05 B- 3.33 *TE
I) Intellectual and Practical Skills
ENG-216 Bus. Letter & Rep. Writing 08/01/02 C- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 2.67 credits needed
N) B: Responsibility
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy, 3SH
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership, 3SH
> *Elective, 3SH
Credits: 0
N) Diversity or Global Literacy
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
N) Responsible Ethical Leadership
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
N) Personal and Social Responsibility Elective
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
I) C: Human Cultures
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Humanities, 3SH
> *Social Sciences, 3SH
> *Natural Sciences, 3SH
> Choose electives from Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary course, 9SH
Credits: 13.32
C) Humanities
PHI-120 Introduction to Logic...... 01/31/03 D 3.33 *TE
C) Social Sciences
HIS-101 Western Civilization I..... 05/01/02 B+ 3.33 *TE
N) Natural Sciences
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
I) Interdisciplinary
Credits: 6.66 Required: 9 Remaining: 2.34
ART-100 A World of Art............. 08/01/05 A 3.33 *TE
FRE-101 Beginning French I......... 12/01/98 A- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 2.34 credits needed
N) D: General Ed Electives
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in General Education
> Electives.
___________________________________________________ 18 credits needed
I) 2: BA Liberal Studies (30 SH)
Credits: 9.99
GPA Achieved/Needed: 2.275 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
N) A: Upper Level (15 SH)
> Complete 15 semester hours of 300 and 400 level Liberal
> Arts and Sciences coursework. At least TWO or more
> different areas must be included within the entire
> Concentration to provide breadth of knowledge in the
> Liberal Studies Area.
___________________________________________________ 15 credits needed
I) B: Liberal Stud (15 SH)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Liberal Arts and Sciences
> coursework. A maximum of 6 credits can be at the 100 level.
Credits: 9.99 Required: 15 Remaining: 5.01
ENG-216 Bus. Letter & Rep. Writing 08/01/02 C- < 3.33> *G *GPA *TE
GEO-201 Geology & Environment...... 12/01/12 C 3.33 *TE
MUS-213 Principles of Popular Music 12/01/12 B- 3.33 *TE
SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology.. 12/01/02 B- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 5.01 credits needed
N) 3: Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH).
LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone________________________ 1 course needed
I) 4: BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
Credits: 22.66 Required: 27 Remaining: 4.34
LES-103 Intro to Law & Litigation.. 01/31/03 A- 3.33 *TE
AOJ-111 Intro. to Corrections...... 12/01/12 A- 3.33 *TE
BUS-101 Introduction to Business... 08/01/02 B- 3.33 *TE
BUS-161 Business Mathematics....... 03/01/03 D 3.33 *TE
CAP-115 Business Presentation Graph 12/01/09 A 0.67 *TE
CAP-104 Hardware and Software...... 12/01/09 A 0.67 *TE
PEA-199 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 01/01/99 A 0.67 *TE
SES-101 Keyboarding I.............. 05/01/02 A- 2.67 *TE
HEA-104 Standard First Aid......... 01/01/99 A- 2.00 *TE
LES-299 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 01/31/03 CR 1.33 *TE
LES-299 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 08/01/02 CR 1.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 4.34 credits needed
I) A: Intellectual Skills
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellectual and
> Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I, 3SH with grade of C or better
> *English Composition II (Writing Intensive), 3SH with grade
> of C or better
> *Math, 3SH
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives, 6SH
Credits: 13.32
C) ENC-101
ENC-101 English Composition I...... 01/01/99 C+ 3.33 *TE
C) ENC-102 (Writing Intensive)
ENC-102 English Composition II..... 03/01/03 B- 3.33 *TE
C) Math
MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Mathem 08/01/05 B- 3.33 *TE
I) Intellectual and Practical Skills
ENG-216 Bus. Letter & Rep. Writing 08/01/02 C- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 2.67 credits needed
N) B: Responsibility
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy, 3SH
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership, 3SH
> *Elective, 3SH
Credits: 0
N) Diversity or Global Literacy
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
N) Responsible Ethical Leadership
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
N) Personal and Social Responsibility Elective
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
I) C: Human Cultures
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Humanities, 3SH
> *Social Sciences, 3SH
> *Natural Sciences, 3SH
> Choose electives from Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary course, 9SH
Credits: 13.32
C) Humanities
PHI-120 Introduction to Logic...... 01/31/03 D 3.33 *TE
C) Social Sciences
HIS-101 Western Civilization I..... 05/01/02 B+ 3.33 *TE
N) Natural Sciences
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed
I) Interdisciplinary
Credits: 6.66 Required: 9 Remaining: 2.34
ART-100 A World of Art............. 08/01/05 A 3.33 *TE
FRE-101 Beginning French I......... 12/01/98 A- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 2.34 credits needed
N) D: General Ed Electives
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in General Education
> Electives.
___________________________________________________ 18 credits needed
I) 2: BA Liberal Studies (30 SH)
Credits: 9.99
GPA Achieved/Needed: 2.275 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
N) A: Upper Level (15 SH)
> Complete 15 semester hours of 300 and 400 level Liberal
> Arts and Sciences coursework. At least TWO or more
> different areas must be included within the entire
> Concentration to provide breadth of knowledge in the
> Liberal Studies Area.
___________________________________________________ 15 credits needed
I) B: Liberal Stud (15 SH)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Liberal Arts and Sciences
> coursework. A maximum of 6 credits can be at the 100 level.
Credits: 9.99 Required: 15 Remaining: 5.01
ENG-216 Bus. Letter & Rep. Writing 08/01/02 C- < 3.33> *G *GPA *TE
GEO-201 Geology & Environment...... 12/01/12 C 3.33 *TE
MUS-213 Principles of Popular Music 12/01/12 B- 3.33 *TE
SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology.. 12/01/02 B- 3.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 5.01 credits needed
N) 3: Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH).
LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone________________________ 1 course needed
I) 4: BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
Credits: 22.66 Required: 27 Remaining: 4.34
LES-103 Intro to Law & Litigation.. 01/31/03 A- 3.33 *TE
AOJ-111 Intro. to Corrections...... 12/01/12 A- 3.33 *TE
BUS-101 Introduction to Business... 08/01/02 B- 3.33 *TE
BUS-161 Business Mathematics....... 03/01/03 D 3.33 *TE
CAP-115 Business Presentation Graph 12/01/09 A 0.67 *TE
CAP-104 Hardware and Software...... 12/01/09 A 0.67 *TE
PEA-199 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 01/01/99 A 0.67 *TE
SES-101 Keyboarding I.............. 05/01/02 A- 2.67 *TE
HEA-104 Standard First Aid......... 01/01/99 A- 2.00 *TE
LES-299 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 01/31/03 CR 1.33 *TE
LES-299 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top 08/01/02 CR 1.33 *TE
_________________________________________________ 4.34 credits needed