08-07-2010, 07:27 AM
Six exams in one week! WOW! I couldn't do that when I had one week off and no kid! What's your secret! lol! Currently I am "trying" to take one exam per week. I am so jealous!
LawSchool2011 Wrote:try the "Specific Exam Feedback" section of the forum. There is a thread with feedback from people who have taken every clep or dantes exam. You can only access the thread once you have paid for an InstantCert.com membership. Once you have paid, log in to the forum again and access your exam's specific feedback thread. Check out my signature and profile. I passed 6 CLEP and DANTES exams JUST THIS WEEK USING NOTHING BUT INSTANTCERT.
Here's to Your Health-LL 3, Lifespan Dev.-LL 3,Principles of Public Speaking-LL 3
College Comp Modular-LL 3 01-Jul-10, Freshman Comp-LL 6, College Math-LL 6, Humanities-LL 6, Information Systems & Computer Applications-LL 3
Human Resource Mgmt A.A. (CCAF):patriot:
General Studies B.S. AMU (Currently working on)banghead
Here's to Your Health-LL 3, Lifespan Dev.-LL 3,Principles of Public Speaking-LL 3
College Comp Modular-LL 3 01-Jul-10, Freshman Comp-LL 6, College Math-LL 6, Humanities-LL 6, Information Systems & Computer Applications-LL 3
Human Resource Mgmt A.A. (CCAF):patriot:
General Studies B.S. AMU (Currently working on)banghead