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CLEP/DSST credits for advanced enlistment?
Hey everyone. I've almost got 48 credits, all from CLEP and DSST exams (it's been a busy week) which *should* make me eligible for E3 in the Navy, before shipping out. I was going to bank all these credits with Excelsior's OneTranscript, and I was wondering if the military will accept these credits?

Thanks guys.
Wow, good for you and thank you for enlisting! If you need a few extra credits, 12 no-cost ACE credits are available from NFA, TEEX, and the Kaplan PLA. If the credits are on a college transcript it shouldn't be a problem.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Thank you for answering my question. My Chief called me and said the credits SHOULD count on an Excelsior transcript but the only issue is that I'm not actually enrolled in Excelsior. I'm just using their credit registry services.
Never trust a "SHOULD" from a recruiter. That is what is fondly referred to as the grey area. If he is wrong, he didn't lie to you. Have him call the MEPS and verify the information. Depending on when you ship, your best bet may be to just knock out an associates degree using the fastest route possible. It would be far easier to defend an associates than it will be to defend exam credits on a transcript. And remember, if you didn't get it in writing it was never said.
TESC 2015 - BSBA, Computer Information Systems

TESC 2019 - 21 Post-bachelor accounting credits
Which credits do you have, OP? Just thinking that in a perfect world, 48 CLEP/DSST plus 12 ACE might get you an Associate of some sort.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
I've got 33 so far:

College Mathematics - 6 cr
Analyzing Literature - 6 cr
Intro to Computing - 3 cr
College Algebra - 3 cr
US History - 3 cr
Information Systems - 3 cr
Social Sciences and History - 6 cr
US History II - 3 cr

and I'm taking

Introduction to Educational Psychology - 3 cr
Biology - 6 cr
Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr
Introduction to Psychology - 3 cr

this week for the remaining 15. I ship out at the end of November. Are there any schools I would be able to sign up for + receive a degree in before then?
You don't have enough time to complete a degree and there are many people in your position who have been turned down for advanced rank in the past according to some of the posts found through Google. You are going to be fighting an uphill battle at MEPS. It is still worth trying, but I would prepare myself mentally for the worst. You have to decided how important the extra rank is to you. In the Air Force, those who come in with advanced rank and those who didn't level out at about the 3 year mark which means the pay difference isn't life changing. Your credits will not go to waste either way. After training, you should have enough credits to just take a couple classes and have your degree.

If the extra rank is a deal breaker and they don't agree to add it to your contract, DON'T SIGN THE CONTRACT and ship. The recruiter will have you believe there is some legal obligation, but I can tell you as a fact there is no obligation until you raise your hand and swear in the day you ship. Delayed entry is simply a way to get people to think they have an obligation. I spent a year as a recruiter before leaving the Air Force. Frankly, it was the slimiest profession I have ever been part of. You really need to understand that the only thing your recruiter cares about is getting you to ship.
TESC 2015 - BSBA, Computer Information Systems

TESC 2019 - 21 Post-bachelor accounting credits
I'm enlisted in the reserves, so the pay grade difference definitely isn't a deal breaker.

I'm confident I can pass the physical + entry test in boot camp which will advance me to E2 already. My A and C schools total 8 months so I should nearly be E3 upon leaving those.

The credits definitely will not go to waste; I need 60 to join the NYPD and I was going to use these for that purpose as well. It'd just be better if these credits also counted toward advanced promotion in the Navy.
You have a great attitude. I am sure you will do fine. I wish you the best of luck and I hope things work out the best possible way they can for your benefit.
TESC 2015 - BSBA, Computer Information Systems

TESC 2019 - 21 Post-bachelor accounting credits
The fastest degree for you to complete would be an AA in General Studies at TESC, no Capstone required. You would need CLEP English Composition, DSST Intro to World Religions or Anthropology, and any Ethics, but would not need the Ed Psych. If you wanted to use the Pay Per Credit plan to waive the enrollment fees, you could take the TECEPs for English Comp I, English Comp II, Environmental Ethics, and Marriage and the Family. Good luck and thank you for your service!
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits

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