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So I went through a transcript evaluation and because the credits are over 10 years old the person required a syllabus or catalog to evaluate course relevance. I did provide this but my argument was

U.S. History II - really hasn't changed
English Comp 1 and 2 - has writing changed?
Classical Music - yup hasn't changed
Human Biology - unless we've grown new parts, still the same.
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University
for which school?



Current Degree Plan
Complete:  TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics
Remaining:  Waiting for credits to process

There are often time limits on science courses because of new discoveries. The human body hasn't changed, but the understanding of the human body has.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
2003 was a big year for biology - mapping the genome and all. If this was TESC they'll accept old credits no problem.
ajs1976 Wrote:for which school?

I applied at Ashworth College because UNLV accepts DEAC and I like how easy the courses are. Plus they allow you to test out on 30 credits for free. So I can possibly double major at UNLV going this route for cheap. I'm still keeping lots of options open. I have a State grant that is giving me $1500 a year, so going to UNLV would only cost me about $3000 to graduate. Unless the grant goes away this seems to be the most effective route for me. Who knows my plans keep changing.

The Ashworth test is 50 questions and your neighbor can proctor it. You have 3 hours to answer 50 multiple choice questions. I've signed up for the payment plan to go there at $50 a month and I cancelled my cable which was $150 a month. I'm also enrolled at Rio Salado taking 12 credits there and I'll also take some SL courses. I just signed up for ALEKS Stats for Behavioral Science, very difficult. This basically is becoming a hobby for me and it is fun to learn. Maybe I'll start collecting some diplomas too. I think CSN owes me 3 associates degrees once I complete Critical Thinking and World Lit.

When I was a kid I collected comic books and baseball cards, now I think I'll collect some certificates and diplomas. Smile
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University
I think that's really because each school can cover different things in a class. There's databases that have old academic catalogs, but they only go back so far. The school is comparing what you took to what they offer. It's not a bonehead thing. If what you took for Human Biology doesn't cover what they require for the class, it doesn't meet the requirement.
So far I've taken 2 classes here. Each class consisted of 8 quizzes on each chapter. Each chapter has been one to 2 pages long. Somehow their academic standards are not very high and I don't understand the pickiness on the evaluation. My speech class for example was 8 quizzes and a written speech as a final. No recording of any kind, just write a speech and submit.
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University

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