06-06-2010, 07:31 PM
I'm an RN trying to get a degree in elementary education. I have had microbiology, anatomy, physiology, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. The education department won't substitute any of those for introductory biology and physical science (that CLEP comes in July for me though). Supposed to be taking Biology CLEP on Friday. I am just so stressed out and overestimated how much I thought I knew; now that I am studying, I feel so lost. I have the REA Biology book, the CLEP 2010 book, and I'm using InstantCert. I am thinking of trying to push back my exam another week, but I so want it over with. I just took a test by Peterson and got 67 out of 115 correct, for a 58%. Better than some of the other tests I've taken, but still, iffy. Anyone delayed their test and did better, is it a bad idea? Not sure. Have went through the specific exam feedback as well. Plan on studying at least 3-4 hours a day through Thursday; would study more, but have summer school.