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Best option for College Algebra (weak in Math) and English 102/Comp II
Hi everyone! I'm a busy mom who has an associate degree in nursing. Most of my work experience has involved working in vocational education and doing CNA training. Well, I've been invited to apply for a certified teaching position at a voc ed high school which of course requires a bachelors degree. IF I get the job, I have 8 yrs to complete the degree, but would prefer to do it sooner and increase my earning potential. Plus, there is a strong likliehood future positions will be available within the next year too. A bachelors degree would almost make me a shoe in for the job.

Math is not a strong area for me and I will probably need to remediate - what is my best option? Time is not on my side. Can I do start with college alegebra on ALEKS and magically work myself to 70% with the help of my husband? Once I get going with things, I typically do well .. but I see I only have until 12/30 with ALEKS!

And for English Comp - SL? It's 330 am and I am freaking out and want these things done!

ETA: it isn't college algebra, it is intermediate algebra - still not fantastic, but a bit better. How long would it take me to remediate through all of the ALEKS programs? Is this realistic , expensive?
Which college? Asking because it may make a difference.

I would get on ALEKS today. All you have to lose is $20. It won't be a waste of time, even if you can't complete the course. If that doesn't work you still have options. (I wouldn't attempt Saylor you aren't strong in math), Straighterline, and Shmoop have College Algebra. If you are willing to pay $300, Penn Foster has Intermediate Algebra. And I'm sure there are a few others out there.

For Comp II, I would suggest Straighterline or one of the UExcel exams. has Advanced Tech. Writing, you could see if that works.
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training
Thank you! Anxiously awaiting for my kids to nap so I can check it out!

If I am doing terrible, can I retract and start into a lower level class? Somehow I missed some foundational elements in my mathamatical education. Did HS algebra in 1996, was set to remediate at college and did well in the first series of class, but never advanced back into algebra. I'm capable of self education, so if I find the mental toughness and time, I want to knock this out!

For colleges ,I'm looking at a state college in Michigan that takes both straighterline and ALEKS. Possibly WGU, but I've already achieved one competency based RN degree for my associates through Excelsiors LPN to RN program. It is kind of hurting me based on my lack of acute care experience.
With ALEKS you take an initial assessment. Then it gives you a pie chart with all the skills you need to pass that class. I would enroll with Intermediate Algebra and just see where you are. Yes, you can change classes.
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training
Thank you again! Are there any reference books worth purchasing? I get super annoyed if I have to start printing things.
You originally got an AAS from Excelsior, right? It would probably be easiest to keep with Excelsior and go from there. Excelsior will take ALEKS Beginning Algebra to fulfill the math requirement for BSLA degrees. If you post your transcript we could help you more with what your depths would be- probably biology and something else.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Can anyone confirm that ENG-201 technical writing will fulfill english comp 2 at tesu?
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our let's get along and help each other out. 

Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire. 

Excelsior is way too expensive for my liking! I can get my BSN through WGU for $6500-9000 or Ferris State College here in Michigan for $15,000 spread out over ~18 months. Excelsior would be double that! By the end of my RN, I loathed dealing with Excelsior and would prefer being attached to a different institution. Ferris will take ACE credits. I'm also looking at Michigan State University, but they are appearing to not be as open to outside credits. Most of my classes would pertain to my nursing major. A BSN from a state college may look better to future employees and leave the door open IF I want to get my family nurse practitioner whereas competency based programs close that. I know much of this belongs in a nursing specific forum, but those forums lack the knowledge about the general education options. You all are amazing with this stuff!

Based on an unofficial review from myself, I would need the following non-nursing courses:

Communication Course (3)
English 2 (3)
Advanced Composition (3)
Intermediate Algebra or Contemporary Mathematics (3 or 4)
Level 200 Cultural Enrichment (3) Race-Ethnicity
Stats in Health Care (looks like they require this one specifically, maybe it's easy??)

My tenantive plan is:
ALEKS for Math
Straighterline for the cultural enrichment, communication and English 102
CLEP for advanced composition? This sounds painful to me.

Ferris has both Straighterline and ALEKS in their transfer system that I can see. I'm guessing I am stuck taking their stats class. I'll live with that. Now If someone could tell my 3 boys (ages 5, 3.5 and 2.5) I need to learn Algebra in two weeks, I would appreciate it!
Best wishes, Erinp88!

Icampy, I can confirm that TESU will NOT accept Technical Writing for English Composition II, but COSC will.
TESU will accept the new TECEP in Technical Communication (ENG-202) to fulfill the Oral Communication requirement.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Thank you. I have a speech class from a CC, just need english comp 2 and a humanities to finish off my gen eds.
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our let's get along and help each other out. 

Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire. 


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