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Best and Easiest Completion Options

Let me say first that I wish I knew about this earier! I was given these classes to take and wondered if anyone knew what the easiest route it. I am obtaining my business administration degree. Thanks in advance. I hear the TECEPs are hard, is there easier options for any of these?

ENC-102 English Composition II
BIO-208 The Science of Nutrition
BUS-311 Business in Society
OPM-301 Operations Management

Principles of Finance
Management Information Systems
American Government
First, TESU will always tell you to take their courses/exams, because that's their thing - you paying them for credit.

You haven't said where specifically these courses go, and you didn't say what your AOS is (General Management?) so it's a bit hard to tell you. But I'll give you the list of Sophia courses that will work in different areas of the GE at TESU, because they're free right now - check your eval to see what you need. Business courses can be had at, and then you should be able to transfer them in and switch to the discounted price.

QUANTITATIVE LITERACY: College Algebra or Intro to Statistics

DIVERSITY: Intro to Sociology OR Approaches to Studying Religions

Art History I & II
Conflict Resolution
Visual Communications
Ancient Greek Philosophers
Macro & Microeconomics
US History I & II
Intro to Psychology

Environmental Science
Human Biology
Intro to IT

The Essentials of Managing Conflict (1cr)
Any of the above courses not already used

College Readiness
Intro to Business
Accounting (can also be used in Business Core)
Project Management (can also be used in Business AOS)
Developing Effective Teams (1cr) (can also be used in Business AOS)
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
With the current Coronavirus Pandemic situation, I would refrain from CLEP/DSST testing for now. Your best options are to use, StraighterLine (only if there doesn't offer the course), and (for the AOS Upper Level requirements). If you want to stick with one provider, select as it provides all the courses you're looking for, but to save on cost, get the courses while it's free and hot! Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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#4 for American Government and the Civics requirement. If you pay for the "study guide" ($20/month subscription gets you the flashcards for studying for CLEP, DSST, UExcel, and some TECEP exams) for InstantCert, you can take some specific courses through them.. 

I was studying for the CLEP exam before everything shut down. I switched to the ICC course and I just finished a couple of weeks ago. It was my last core class.
TESU BA.LSSS 121/121, BA.PSYCH 121/121, BA in Liberal Studies-Social Sciences and Psychology: March 2021 Graduation

Since 12/5/19:
CLEP: Intro Sociology - 62, Diversity, DSST: 1/6/20 Ethics in America - 440, 1/8/20 Intro World Religions - 470
Sophia: Intro to Statistics - 95%, & many credits... Ethics Social Sciences 90, Into Crim Justice 91, Criminal Law 90, Forensic Science 88, Social Psychology 94
InstantCert Credit: American Government, 91 4/14/2020
Coopersmith: Drugs and Society, Jewish Rabbinic Counseling, Hist and Sys of Psych, Modern Jewish American History, Physio Psych, Sociology of Jewish Food, JST-225 Laws of Blessings 9/16/22, BIB-376 Trees and Plants of the Bible 12/21/22
UExcel Social Psych: A, 1/26/21
TESU: SOS-110-OL 3 cr. A-99, APS-100-OL 1 cr A-97, PSY-331-EP 3 cr 87, PSY322 Research Exp Psych - A 95 3 cr, SOC291 Criminology A98 3 cr, PSY-300EP Thanatology 3 cr 80, HIS210GS Am Civil Rights Movement History 3 cr A, LIB-495OL Hansen A 3cr
TECEPs: PSY-270 2/3/20,  SOC-210 2/10/20, PSY-350 2/17/20, ETH-210
(04-23-2020, 08:06 AM)Library2HospitalChaplain Wrote: for American Government and the Civics requirement. If you pay for the "study guide" ($20/month subscription gets you the flashcards for studying for CLEP, DSST, UExcel, and some TECEP exams) for InstantCert, you can take some specific courses through them.. 

I was studying for the CLEP exam before everything shut down. I switched to the ICC course and I just finished a couple of weeks ago. It was my last core class. gets you a discount on your tuition at TESU, ICC does not.  So that would be the main benefit of using them over ICC.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
(04-23-2020, 12:59 PM)dfrecore Wrote:
(04-23-2020, 08:06 AM)Library2HospitalChaplain Wrote: for American Government and the Civics requirement. If you pay for the "study guide" ($20/month subscription gets you the flashcards for studying for CLEP, DSST, UExcel, and some TECEP exams) for InstantCert, you can take some specific courses through them.. 

I was studying for the CLEP exam before everything shut down. I switched to the ICC course and I just finished a couple of weeks ago. It was my last core class. gets you a discount on your tuition at TESU, ICC does not.  So that would be the main benefit of using them over ICC.

True, but I thought you had to have taken the courses before applying to TESU, and enter the code on the application. 

It looked like OP had already applied and possibly enrolled in TESU, so pre-application tuition discount wouldn't work, like my situation.

Or can I still get the discount if I take 6 credits before signing up for my next TESU courses? :-) I am heading for the residency requirement, I have 7 credits either finished or taking now, and still LIB Capstone, Change Management, and something else to complete towards certificates alongside degrees.
TESU BA.LSSS 121/121, BA.PSYCH 121/121, BA in Liberal Studies-Social Sciences and Psychology: March 2021 Graduation

Since 12/5/19:
CLEP: Intro Sociology - 62, Diversity, DSST: 1/6/20 Ethics in America - 440, 1/8/20 Intro World Religions - 470
Sophia: Intro to Statistics - 95%, & many credits... Ethics Social Sciences 90, Into Crim Justice 91, Criminal Law 90, Forensic Science 88, Social Psychology 94
InstantCert Credit: American Government, 91 4/14/2020
Coopersmith: Drugs and Society, Jewish Rabbinic Counseling, Hist and Sys of Psych, Modern Jewish American History, Physio Psych, Sociology of Jewish Food, JST-225 Laws of Blessings 9/16/22, BIB-376 Trees and Plants of the Bible 12/21/22
UExcel Social Psych: A, 1/26/21
TESU: SOS-110-OL 3 cr. A-99, APS-100-OL 1 cr A-97, PSY-331-EP 3 cr 87, PSY322 Research Exp Psych - A 95 3 cr, SOC291 Criminology A98 3 cr, PSY-300EP Thanatology 3 cr 80, HIS210GS Am Civil Rights Movement History 3 cr A, LIB-495OL Hansen A 3cr
TECEPs: PSY-270 2/3/20,  SOC-210 2/10/20, PSY-350 2/17/20, ETH-210
Remember tceps dont count for residency
(04-23-2020, 03:24 PM)natshar Wrote: Remember tceps dont count for residency

I know. :-) That's why I put TESU classes in a different line than my TECEPs. I have an AS in Management with TE from 95, and then I went towards library and information science for a while via Northampton Community College and University of Maine at Augusta.

Plan is LIB Capstone GS if I can, Change Management MAN-415-OL, and either Eastern Religions REL-406-GS or Biomedical Ethics PHI-475-OL.

TECEPs still planned: ENV-210-TE, MAN-373-TE (probably Davar now), NEG-401-TE. 

Here's my relevant signature lines, in case you can't see them on mobile.

TESU: SOS-110-OL NOV2019 3 cr. A-99, APS-100-OL MAR2020 1 cr, PSY-331-EP APR2020 3 cr
TECEPs: PSY-270 2/3/20 92%,  SOC-210 2/10/20 88%, PSY-350 2/17/20 75%

I'm going to add these from my evaluation too.
Prior Degrees:       Date:                Institution:
Associate in Arts      08/31/09         Northampton County Area CC 

AS in Management   07/01/95        Thomas Edison State Univ
TESU BA.LSSS 121/121, BA.PSYCH 121/121, BA in Liberal Studies-Social Sciences and Psychology: March 2021 Graduation

Since 12/5/19:
CLEP: Intro Sociology - 62, Diversity, DSST: 1/6/20 Ethics in America - 440, 1/8/20 Intro World Religions - 470
Sophia: Intro to Statistics - 95%, & many credits... Ethics Social Sciences 90, Into Crim Justice 91, Criminal Law 90, Forensic Science 88, Social Psychology 94
InstantCert Credit: American Government, 91 4/14/2020
Coopersmith: Drugs and Society, Jewish Rabbinic Counseling, Hist and Sys of Psych, Modern Jewish American History, Physio Psych, Sociology of Jewish Food, JST-225 Laws of Blessings 9/16/22, BIB-376 Trees and Plants of the Bible 12/21/22
UExcel Social Psych: A, 1/26/21
TESU: SOS-110-OL 3 cr. A-99, APS-100-OL 1 cr A-97, PSY-331-EP 3 cr 87, PSY322 Research Exp Psych - A 95 3 cr, SOC291 Criminology A98 3 cr, PSY-300EP Thanatology 3 cr 80, HIS210GS Am Civil Rights Movement History 3 cr A, LIB-495OL Hansen A 3cr
TECEPs: PSY-270 2/3/20,  SOC-210 2/10/20, PSY-350 2/17/20, ETH-210
(04-22-2020, 11:39 PM)Ilianasmile Wrote: Hello,

Let me say first that I wish I knew about this earier! I was given these classes to take and wondered if anyone knew what the easiest route it. I am obtaining my business administration degree. Thanks in advance. I hear the TECEPs are hard, is there easier options for any of these?

ENC-102 English Composition II
BIO-208 The Science of Nutrition
BUS-311 Business in Society
OPM-301 Operations Management

Principles of Finance
Management Information Systems
American Government


Here is what I need, 

English 102
Civic Engagement
1 credit in Natural World 
Principals of Finance
12 credits for Operations Management - The advisor forgot to give me those and told me these were the only 2 available Logistics and Supply Chain and Management Information Systems, Operations Management
Business in Society Clep
(04-30-2020, 12:37 AM)Ilianasmile Wrote: Hello, 

Here is what I need, 

English 102 - take this through Sophia as it's free right now
Civic Engagement - ICC is only $20+$15 proctor fee; Saylor has POLSC221: Intro to Comparative Politics for $25 proctor fee; SL or
1 credit in Natural World - I'd take Sophia's Intro to IT, I think it will work and it's free; has easy computers ones that will work as well
Statistics - Sophia, free
Principles of Finance - Saylor (UL); or Coopersmith
12 credits for Operations Management - The advisor forgot to give me those and told me these were the only 2 available Logistics and Supply Chain and Management Information Systems, Operations Management - has BUS 315: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, BUS 312: Advanced Operations Management and BUS 303: Management Info Systems; Davar has MIS; I would ask if Stats will work for OpsManagement, it works for the undergrad certificate (you'd probably have to take Business Stats from or ALEKS since Stats is required for the GE)
Business in Society Clep - take International Business through, Coopersmith, or Davar
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA

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