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Bad day 101..
Drove 700KM for EC World pop, got a speeding ticket enroute, stayed the night in a motel, and found my exam unavailable due to technical problems! Told my exam can be rescheduled for FREE...right, free!!!! Gas, motel bills, sleepless nites studying are not free...rant..rant ...rant..And of course I paid for that exam!!!
And there's. Clause in the agreement that says Pearson vue is not responsible for any costs beyond the exam fees, does that apply here? They apparently called my home phone less than 24hrs before the exam was due, and I was already in town for the exam..
Man I thought my test center which is ten miles from my house was too far.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Next time that I feel like complaining for traffic on my way to the testing center I'll think of you...
I think you are handling your unfortunate circumstances well. I hope tomorrow goes better for you.
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it
You can probably do a Dl course online cheaper than that.

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