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BSBA TESC plan - a long way to go...
I have been lurking around the forum for about a month now. About that time was the first time I heard about the so called big 3, clep, dsst... crazy cool things available Smile Up until then my plan was pretty much: go to CC, transfer to UC Berkeley for a bachelor degree and maybe masters afterwards. Here is my situation however, I need a degree mostly because I think I need it if I want to change my current job. I do not want to be rejected simply because some HR department did not see a BS on my resume, even though I have been working in the industry for 9 years now (software development).

The only other obstacle in my initial plan is that I will have to quit my job in order to be able to go full time to college. I have a certificate (yeah I know my credits will not be counted Sad - CEU's), and have been taking classes that have been interesting for me on and off for the last 7 years. Throughout all these years I have never thought of going full time to school, it seems like a waste of time especially since I feel that I am learning much more at work than I have ever learned in school.

So after I discovered this forum I had another idea: why not test out of a bachelor degree and try to do a evening/weekend MBA Big Grin

I have read a lot of post and have gone through the big 3's websites and I think that TESC is my choice. I chose it over EC mainly because they seems to be more lenient on accepting lower lever classes for upper level and more tests are counted as upper level. I initially wanted to do a BSBA with Marketing concentration but it seems much harder to test out of this than General Management.

So attached is my plan (well linked) Smile I have a lot of credits to go… I will be interested if anyone has any better suggestions on the General Management requirements and where I can take some of the classes after DSST to fulfill the requirement. I am signed up for Instantcert and eager to start studying (right after I pass my finals in Macroeconomics and Statistics next week).

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