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Attempting to obtain TESU credits to use for Rowan University. Worth a shot?
About Me:Confusedeeya:
I found the IC degree forum after a google search, 3 days ago, and dove into researching topics covered across the site. Also, I apologize for the bombardment of text below.

Currently, I'm at RCBC in NJ, and I'm a part of a transfer program coined "3+1" in which Rowan University is tied with. The program essentially allows for me to finish my degree at a more affordable cost and be completed primarily online, with the advantage of being able to take on-sight courses 15 minutes from home. The 3+1 program is brand new and they are phasing out another 2 year campus and bringing it, along with new courses, and massive expansion to my current campus, RCBC.

I'm looking to take the ALEKS courses to fill in the credits for (Pre-Calc) and some TECEP tests if deemed worthy. The only other math required for my major is discrete math.

According to Rowan Universities Registrar page, it seems, (they have it written directly in the headline) that they accept credits from TESU.

..."Rowan accepts assessments by external assessment agencies: such as CLEP, AP, American Council on Education's "National Guide to Educational Credit for Non-Collegiate Programs", etc. Credit assessments made by Thomas Edison College are accepted as transfer credits."....

Registrar @ Rowan University

What I want to Solve:
Graduating with a Bachelors Degree as quickly and efficiently as humanly possible.

Where I want to end up
With a job as a developer/programmer.

Current Degree Plan:
A.A.S. - Info. Assurance & Cybersecurity (or) A.A.S Managment Info. Systems
B.A. - Computing & Informatics

Current track:

Anyone with the link can comment in it.

First, am I wasting my time attempting this? Should I just CLEP American Literature and study for my schools College Level Math Accuplacer Test for placement, ideally landing into Pre-Calc?

Are there any possible routes, towards efficiently obtaining course credits, easier or ones ive missed, that pertain to my plan?

What questions do I ask my advisor, if any? My best thought is if I complete ALECS pre-calc, get ACE X script, I then should ask them where to transfer the credit? The University or RCBC?

Will TESU acknowledge Pre-Calc from ACE transcript?

Should I change my current degree to something more along the lines of general business at my school or stay on track for what I have planned?

Course Schedules:
Here I have included the course schedules given to me by my advisor. I can go either way, IAS allows me to take a few less courses, MIS has an additional 3 required.

IAS to Computing & Informatics:

MIS to Computing & Informatics:

If you read through all of this, thank you. Your time and my chance at receiveing some advice is highly appreciated.cheersmate
How much will this cost you?
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University
why not just finish it out at TESU you could get your bachelor's by Christmas if you put your mind to it. Although as I tell everyone you need to apply now and take the Strategetic Management TECEP before it phases out, any day now.

Yes TESU will take Pre-Calc (not sure if it overlaps College Algebra) , TESU takes most Aleks courses.

Straighterline, Davar, Ed4credit, Saylor are all solid sources to get courses done.

You could do the BSBA Computer Information Systems at TESU.

Here is 4 free credits of ACE reccomended credits you could use for your CIS AOS IT for Business Professionals and IT Professionals
videogamesrock Wrote:How much will this cost you?

RCBC 3+1 in Computing & Informatics:

Tuition - $300 per semester credit
Garbage Semester Fees (ie. Activity fee, facility fee,general fee,technology fee, etc...)- $600
per semester

Given the above rates, at 31 courses left ($9,300), with an estimated 7.75 semesters left, if I take 4 classes per semester($4,650), were looking at a grand total of ~$13,950.

yb1 Wrote:why not just finish it out at TESU you could get your bachelor's by Christmas if you put your mind to it. Although as I tell everyone you need to apply now and take the Strategetic Management TECEP before it phases out, any day now.

Yes TESU will take Pre-Calc (not sure if it overlaps College Algebra) , TESU takes most Aleks courses.

Straighterline, Davar, Ed4credit, Saylor are all solid sources to get courses done.

You could do the BSBA Computer Information Systems at TESU.

Here is 4 free credits of ACE reccomended credits you could use for your CIS AOS IT for Business Professionals and IT Professionals

I never put solid thought into finishing at TESU.I honestly believe it to be a very sensible route to take. It seems to be an extremely lucrative option, if not THE option. Seemingly almost to good to be true?

With the BSBA Computer Information Systems at TESU, I could also knock out Statistics via ALEKS as well, it seems like?

Can I still sign up for the Strategic Management TECEP? Do I need to be enrolled @ TESU to take the TECEP courses?

Is there a downside to obtaining my degree online only through TESU? Besides networking via Internship fairs, meeting new poeple, and Career guidance from the Career Services center? It seems as if TESU might be the right choice.

Thank you both for quick responses, and consideration on my behalf by the way, it means a lot.:o
My thoughts on this:

1) Why would you need to go through TESU to transfer credits when Rowan accepts those same credits directly? They take CLEP, AP, ACE, etc. No no need to use TESU at all for this.

2) TESU is a better way to go if you want speed, for sure. In that case though, you'd probably be better of just getting a Computer Science degree from TESU. I don't think it's any more expensive than this other degree program you're looking at.

3) If you want to be a developer/programmer, I'm not sure why you would get a BSBA in CIS at TESU, that's not going to get you the courses you need to become that. It's a business degree, with a few CIS courses thrown in, but almost none of them are what you'd need for programming/developing. So I wouldn't do that if I were you, unless you really wanted to get a quick degree and get an MS in CS afterwards. But that won't be the cheapest option.

4) Have you looked into WGU's BS in Software Development? That might be the cheapest and fastest degree for this. You could take all of your Gen Ed's ahead of time (even better is to get a block transfer if you already have an AA/AS), take any possible courses outside of WGU, then enroll and possibly finish in 1 term (2 terms max). At $2890/6-mo term, it's a great deal.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
If you want to be a developer, Computer Science, not CIS, is the way to go. Business degree is not needed. Programming skillset is paramount, whether you get that through degree or being autodidactic, doesn't matter.
BTW, I was looking at the 3+1 as well. But since it's a rowan college/rowan U deal, it's limited.

I highly suggest you figure out what type of developer you want to be and work backwards. If you want to do software development then you may want to look into C++ on a Windows server, .Net. If you want to develop websites, then look into web development on a UNIX server. 2 totally different things and that's just a brief generalization. There is so much more. Just my 2 cents.
I don't have any input on this...I just wanted to say how cool it is for someone to mention Rowan University. Many moons ago I started at Gloucester County College which is right around the corner from Rowan. My plan was to finish my degree at Rowan, which is what many of my highschool classmates did. My brother obtained his degree through the school. It is just funny for me to see this small university from nowhere South Jersey being mentioned here on the forum.
Also, it makes me cringe to know that my brother and friends from high school could have saved thousands of dollars by using ACE credits for Rowan. They accept 30 ACE credits! That's a year of college!! I am so so glad to have found this forum.

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