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Associate in Arts TESC Plan
Happy Christmas to you all!!! Hope you all have a safe and Happy Christmas.

Please could you give feedback on sons plan, thank you.

Associate in Arts TESC

English Composition 6

ENC101 English Composition I – CC

ENC102 English Composition II – CC

Music Appreciation -CC
Fundamentals of Speech Communication –CC
Public Speaking I -CC

Social Science 12
Introduction to Criminal Justice –CC
Principles of Microeconomics –CC
Sociology CLEP
Psychology CLEP

Natural science 9
College algebra –SL
Natural Sciences CLEP

General Education Elective 9
History of US 1 –CLEP
Analyzing & interpreting literature CLEP

Free Electives 12
Concepts of Physical Fitness and Wellness –CC
Accounting 1 -SL
Principles of Management –CC
FEMA 3 credits
BA Liberal Arts - TESC 2015
Looks good. Some notes:

-Criminal Justice may not be coded for Social Sciences depending on the actual course content. It is normally AOJ-102 which is a "Human Services" course and not a general education elective (or in this case Social Sciences). Since this is was a CC course for your son you might not have to do much to recode it if you can find a matching course, you can search here: Thomas Edison State College: Course Offerings.

-With the overlap of content you might consider having your son do the Social Sciences & History exam. It would allow you to move the credits around and fill in that humanities gap (by moving A & I Lit up there).

If you had him do that exam you could do this and get rid of the opening and the potential Criminal Justice issue:

Associate in Arts TESC (with adjustments):

English Composition 6

ENC101 English Composition I – CC

ENC102 English Composition II – CC

Fundamentals of Speech Communication –CC
Public Speaking I -CC
Analyzing & interpreting literature CLEP

Social Science 12
Principles of Microeconomics –CC
History of US 1 –CLEP
Sociology CLEP
Psychology CLEP

Natural science 9
College algebra –SL
Natural Sciences CLEP

General Education Elective 9
Music Appreciation -CC
**Could fill in with Social Sciences & History exam, Humanities exam, or something else

Free Electives 12
Concepts of Physical Fitness and Wellness –CC
Accounting 1 -SL
Principles of Management –CC
FEMA 3 credits

Introduction to Criminal Justice –CC

If he hasn't completed the fema credits or the SL course then you could move Criminal Justice up to free electives.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Thank you so much for you input, it is wonderful to have such great people who are willing to help, I love this forum. He has completed the SL classed but not the FEMA, so we could move the Criminal Justice to Free electives. I had just figured as the FEMA were free they would have been a good filler, but looks like we will not need them.
Intro to Criminal Justice is almost always going to be coded as AOJ-102. TESC has this course listed as a social science. It is erroneously listed as a human services course on the DSST page. I had an Intro to CJ course coded as AOJ-102 and transcribed as a social science without even asking. Just because a course is transcribed as an AOJ course does not mean it will automatically not be counted as a social science. For CJ courses that are not offered by TESC, TESC will have to determine if its contents warrant it being a social science. For Intro to CJ, TESC has already determined that it is a social science. In other words, if TESC transcribes the Intro to CJ course as AOJ-102, it means that the contents of the course match the course at offered by TESC and it is automatically a social science. If it weren't, it would not be coded AOJ-102. There is a member on here who used several AOJ courses from Penn foster for his social science degree. I used a few AOJ courses myself.

Don't even bother calling the advisor hotline about this. An advisor told me that the DSST for Fundamentals of Counseling would not count as a social science because it's listed as a human services course. I think this was also the lady who hung up on me. When the test score got to TESC, it was transcribed as PSY-331 like it was for umpteen million other people on this forum and went into my social science area of study. By the way, this lady also couldn't tell me if Intermediate Algebra would fulfill the math requirement for my degree. It did.

If you want to see for yourself, TESC has 5 of its own AOJ courses listed as social sciences including AOJ-102.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc

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