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Anyone take DSST Fund. of College Algebra?
Anyone take this? There's only 1 (very scary) comment in the exam-specific forum. There's no IC practice for this one but I checked out the DSST Fact Sheet sample questions and.... OH MY GOD! :confused: I need this test specifically - the CLEP Algebra won't work because TESC codes it as equivalent to a (classroom) Algebra class that I took a few years ago. I don't even know where to start my cramming - I really don't wanna do's $169 if I can avoid it.
Thanks for any suggestions and/or feedback on this DANTES! Wink
I took it and did not do well. I have heard that it is much easier than the Clep Algebra - so if you know algebra you shouldn't have a problem!

Just remember (which I did not, as I went in complete panic mode) to move on and check mark problematic questions. It appeared that I could have answered a lot of the questions on the end of the test, but I ran out of time and had to simply plug in an answer for the last 15 or more.
I took it and didn't pass it either by 3 points. I haven't done any math for almost 12 years. I didn't think it was hard, its just that I didn't know it. I tried teaching it to myself in two weeks using the following websites that I thought were very helpful. I was rushing myself and I think if I would have studied for about another month, I would have passed. - World of Math Online
From what I've been told, if you know how to use the Scientific Calculator, then you should be able to pass the test with flying colors. I took my test with just scratch paper because I didn't know how to use the Calculator.
Good Luck,
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
Thanks for your responses! Anyone else? So far we are 0 for 3 pass rate.... I'm not gettin the 'warm & fuzzies' about this exam! Rolleyes Rolleyes Actually, I took a different Algebra class last semester in an online version, and this DANTES is actually supposed to be lower level than the one I took (and passed), but when I looked at the fact sheet, 3 of 5 questions I couldnt answer.
I took this exam and bombed it by six points. I had just finished an eight-week online class in Intermediate Algebra! I was bummed out for days.

Sorry to hear that!! I just completed TESC's online class 'Applied Liberal Arts Math' and finished with a 97% average. It included a lot of Algebra so I figured this DANTES should be a cake-walk. Maybe I'm underestimating it...

Would you mind posting whatever you can remember about the test? I'm fine with basic algebraic calculations, but I guess I should bone-up on some of the formulas (Pythagorean, quadratic, FOIL method, etc). Anything else I need to watch out for?

I'd appreciate any assistance!
I passed the CLEP College Algebra with a 55, and I would assume the CLEP is harder since Excelsior gives you precalculus credit for the CLEP but not the DSST test. I used the textbook, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, a Combinded Approach. Studied for about 5 weeks because I needed the credit for my business degree.
GettinMyBA Wrote:PeteDude,

Sorry to hear that!! I just completed TESC's online class 'Applied Liberal Arts Math' and finished with a 97% average. It included a lot of Algebra so I figured this DANTES should be a cake-walk. Maybe I'm underestimating it...

Would you mind posting whatever you can remember about the test? I'm fine with basic algebraic calculations, but I guess I should bone-up on some of the formulas (Pythagorean, quadratic, FOIL method, etc). Anything else I need to watch out for?

I'd appreciate any assistance!

I can't remember much, but I think you hit it well in your study list. They also covered some geometric items which I hadn't spent much time on as well as word problems.

I'm currently working through LSU's independent study college algebra course. I have nine months to finish, but I've lost about two due to moving/etc.
Hi I just took it today, and comparing it to the CLEP College Algebra, this was alot easier and you have more time. (I had 45 minutes at the end of the test I was feeling hungry so I clicked submit so I could run and get food).

Its really just good old plain algebra, no compound interest rates just simple interest rates, a few area problems, watching signs from multiplying and dividing,rational expressions, imaginary numbers ( dividing/ multiplying/adding subtracting), recognizing graphs, slopes of lines, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, combining two algebraic expressions, a few function problems, and etc. There were no complicated matrices or anything hehe

[SIZE="1"]Exams so far:
DSST - Intro to Computing (62), Elementary College Algebra (58), World Religion (435), Principles of Public Speaking (failed)
CLEP - Intro to Sociology (61), Intro to Psychology (68),CLEP - College Algebra (57)
ECE- Lifespan Developmental Psychology (B), Anatomy and Physiology (B), Microbiology (B)

Currently Studying : Foundations of Gerontology 12/6, American History I 12/20, Freshman College Composition 12/20[/SIZE]

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