05-01-2011, 06:23 PM
emichele20 Wrote:It is like living in Mean Girls: Real Life Work Edition the movie. You just have to learn how to vent and move on until things get better. I know that talking to your partner may work but after awhile they get lost as they do not fully understand how evil women can be. I would tell my husband things and literally like after the first 15 mins I could tell that he would tune me out..LOL
The thing is with ppl like that it takes extra energy as you always have to out think their wickedness to stay sane. I don't know if you are a religious person or not but if you are I would say pray to whomever you worship. Prayer really does work. I remember about two years ago I prayed daily for a change in my work like as it was so stressful. My husband told me so many times that he wished that I could quit and stay home and raise our kids. Now that it is almost two years later I am doing exactly what I prayed for. I am a stay at home mom with time to work on my degree. Although it is two years later it is here. Sometimes just speaking things into existence and believing it makes it happen.
Figure out what you truly want to do in life. I know I say that like it is easy but it really is. Try out everything that you want to do and if you like it and it sticks then it is for you. It is never too early or late to start your own business. If you have some money saved and a business plan start working on that or if you want to start teaching start looking into tutoring gigs, or become a counselor start working looking at shelters to volunteer. But you do need to decide and lay out your plan otherwise you will end up spending a lot of money and having credits all over the place.
Omg emichle, it's as though we walk in the same shoes! Yes, you're right. I can only vent so much to my guy and he does understand, but after a while, he's over it.
The energy..oh yes, the energy. I think that's what is so draining. I keep reminding myself that I am saving and I do say my prayers, but I haven't been praying hard enough lately.
I joined our neighborhood committee. We will be beautifying our area, planting plants, talking with other neighbors, etc.
Sounds silly, but in the meantime I made up my own offbeat dog walking service. I'll be posting fliers like crazy. I'm charging $7/hr to walk dogs with $3/hr additional for each extra dog. Pick up and drop off included. Most places charge $10-20/hr, so I figured this would be halfway reasonable. We will see how that goes!
I really appreciate your understanding and encouragement. I don't have kiddos yet, but my guy jokingly said to me "One day you won't have to be at the mercy of these awful employs. You can just stay home and raise our kids and be at the mercy of me." lol...you better believe he's looking forward to that because I love to cook and clean. Yes, I actually do. I find it to be a stress reliever and it makes me feel in control. I save lots of money cooking/baking from scratch and having a sparkling clean home is awesome.
We also said that I could finish my Masters online, or whatnot, in the years that I take off. Going to keep praying. At least I have a job...:ack: