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Anybody use InstantCert anymore?
I've not signed up yet because the test we are working on is not offered but we'll be members soon. I found the exam specific section invaluable as we prepared for A&I.


American Gov, US History 1, US History 2, Computing, Info Systems, Humanities, Sociology, Art, Western Civ I, Western Civ II, Social Sciences and History, Civil War, Business, Vietnam, A&I Lit, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, American Lit, English Lit, Astronomy, Supervision, 1 FEMA, Total -79
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="3"]Students Who Want To Pass Will Always Use [/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]The One, The Only, The Original [/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]
[SIZE="6"]InstantCert Flashcards System[/SIZE][/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
i pay for it monthly..

i use it monthly too Rolleyes
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
I use instantcert and I love it. I'm studying for both Here's to Your Health and Astronomy. The HTYH cards have been updated so hopefully I'll pass it, it's supposed to be an easier one right??? I plan on passing both of these exams with IC, and maybe just a little help from wikipedia and maybe a little Googling, but that's it! I'm pretty confident...instantcert hasn't failed me yet Smile
BA in Social Sciences from TESC complete!! Looking into online grad schools :coolgleam:

I let my IC membership lapse because I'm busy with online classes until May, and taking Analyzing Lit + Nat Science, which don't have IC coverage. I'll probably be back for Accounting and Finance.

CLEP Principles of Management 77
CLEP Intro to Sociology 74
CLEP Principles of Marketing 78
CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications 75
CLEP Intro to Psychology 80
CLEP Intro Business Law 72
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 73
CLEP A & I Lit 75
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 72
CLEP Financial Accounting 62
DSST Ethics in America 468
CLEP Natural Science 72
DSST Org Behavior 80
DSST Finance 462
Can't beat this place!!! The holidays got in the way but otherwise IC is a daily destination for me.

BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!

Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458

Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)
What materials did you use to study to pass the substance abuse dante exam? I used IC and several others and when I took my exam yesterday, there was a lot of questions with information that wasn't covered in the material. I'm not sure if they have different versions of the same test. May I ask what materials you used in studying for this test?

Mrs. Dotson
thatbrian Wrote:There does seem to be an echo in here.
Hey 1 of 1 in December with College Math. Awaiting results on English Composition. however I am confident that will be 2 for 2 in January. Not to mention the resources I never Knew existed before I joined up with instantcert. Ok I mentioned it but it has been awesome.
There is NO WAY I would have passed all of the tests I currently have under my belt w/o IC. For me, I could care less if it is a new or old exam. I study IC, material recommeneded by DANTES and then PASS. That's all I really care about. Currently 15 for 15 THANKS IC!! Just my twelve centshilarious

[SIZE="1"]Intro to Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Educational Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]American Government[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Western Civ I[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Prin of Management[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Social Sciences+History[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]A+I Lit [/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]DSST's Passed[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Public Speaking[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Alc. and Drug Abuse[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to LE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Criminal Justice[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Prin. of Supervision[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Human Resources Management[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Technical Writing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Computing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Heres to your health[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Human Cultural Geography
[SIZE="1"]Organizational Behavior[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Ethics in America[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Fund. of Counseling[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Lifespan Developmental Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Art of the Western World[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]ALEKS Intermediate Algebra[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Vietnam War[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Western Europe since 1945[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]FEMA 18 credits[/SIZE]

I used the InstaCert flashcards and was 17 for 17. My son is 3 for 3. The flashcards are like a Ferrari. They will get you from point A (no credits) to point B (lots of credit) quickly. My time is valuable. The flashcards allowed me to get a firm grasp on what the exams were about, without a lot of guesswork.

Funny story is that a week before I found the InstaCert flashcards, I enrolled in Microeconomics at Indiana University's distance program ($550). Then I found IC and before my books arrived, and using the IC flashcards I CLEPPED out of Macro and Micro. So then I switched my IU course to another business course. Same thing. Finally I just bit the bullet on IU, since I managed to test out of 72 credits in less than 5 months using InstaCert.

Does IC work? Absolutely.
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it

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