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Any thoughts on the Mass Election?
Basket Weaver ANY of the you get the information to base your words on? No one said a word about Brown being great, Rep's being the best, Dem's being bad...any of it...Partisan???? Please read the posts carefully before jumping off the deep end.

I agree with what you said...some of it anyways. I don't believe that either party is good for the country...both are equally corrupt. I view the tea parties as a resurgence of our nation's history, where the people are sick of being misrepresented by their elected officials...IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH PARTY THEY BELONG TO! The only legal recourse we have is at the voting booth, I feel that the Mass voters made a very wise choice in voting Martha Coakley out of office. Her arrogance was just insulting and ended up being her demise. I feel that there are several/many more on their way out (again...from both parties) as well but we'll have to wait and see.

Maybe Hussein will see the writing on the wall and actually start focusing on the 17% unemployment, the stagnant housing market, and the yo yo economy...the American people have clearly stated that his ramrodding of mandatory health care is not at the top of their agendas. With a better checks & balances in place, there should at least be some debate involved.

It's just getting started, tighten your seat belts because the next year should prove interesting.

Well said, Basket Weaver

Milton Fine...Basket Weaver is right, your interpretation of the posts is way off the mark. My remark about the Boston Tea Party seems (unfortunately) to need an explanation. I was just saying that it is refreshing to see the American voters take back control of where the country is heading. Instead of the trend of being told by politicians and the media what we want.

This thread is a good example of what the American political landscape has become. An issue comes up for discussion and at the beginning it is civil enough. Before you know it, the name calling and nasty comments start. We have free speech in this country so that everyone can be heard, so that differences can be aired, and so we can come as close as possible to solutions that are best for the majority. Come at me with a well thought out rebuttal to my stated opinion, that is backed by facts (not a regurgitation of the main stream media) and you might open my eyes to a stance I had not considered. I am not too proud to admit I could be wrong.

I don't have the time or patience to get into the "everything is Bush's fault" discussion. All I can say to that is check your facts..especially when it comes to the housing market. You would be surprised at who had their fingers in that cookie jar and then pointed said finger at Bush!

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milton fine Wrote:Its funny how everyone forgets the past 8 years under the Republicans. George Bush and the Republican party had 8 years to screw up this country and You people gave Obama less than a year to clean it up before you began claiming "Boston tea party" and all of that other garbage. Where were half of you people at 5 years ago when this county was being sold to the highest bidder. Where were you at in 2003 when Bush went into Iraq or when the Patriot act was passed? You all talk a big game about getting the Dems out and how bad Obama is and how the people of Massachusetts spoke against Obama by voting for Brown. I'm not an Obama supporter nor a Republican, but I do know hypocrisy when i see it and most of you commenting about how great Brown is or how great it will be in November when the Republicans get back in control are hypocrites and the Republicans will do the same thing that the Dems are doing and its not going to change. As much as I hate Obama, I know deep down inside the Republicans are way worse. But most of you will be fine with getting raped like you were for the past eight years because you are all so partisan. But go ahead and cheer for the Republicans as they get into power and get the validation they need to rape this country even more from the moronic public that voted them into office. I'm just glad that the Supreme Court passed a law giving Corporations the right fund and be apart of the political process. At least Washington will be in the hands of the truly corrupt instead of the idiot masses. banghead

Gary's trying to sneak in using a different screen name! Confusedmilelol: Confusedmilelol:

milton fine Wrote:...and the Republicans will do the same thing that the Dems are doing and its not going to change.

Sadly, I have to admit, this one sentence is probably true. Those big Republicrats.... :ack:
-Andrew T.
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Levi_1989 Wrote:Gary's trying to sneak in using a different screen name! Confusedmilelol:

Sadly, I have to admit, this one sentence is probably true. Those big Republicrats.... :ack:

HA!hilarious I thought the same thing and went and checked the IP address...different, but ya never know. Sounds so much like him doesn't it? Too funny!
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