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Alpha Numerics For Dummies
Ok, no one here is a dummy Smile I thought I'd steal that title Big Grin . After a couple mix ups, I thought this post might be helpful for people who might be confused about credit classification. It's important to remember the distinction between types of credits when picking your credits. This isn't an inclusive tutorial, but this covers most of it.

The alpha-numeric is the course prefix and number: ENG101 (English department, course 101)

Starting at the top, here are the basics-

Liberal Arts/General Education (also called Gen Ed) credits include only credits classified as: math, natural science, social science, and humanities.

[INDENT][/INDENT]To find a credit classification, if it's a class, look at the prefix (not title). For example- PSY101 or PSCH101 both indicate the department to be psychology. Psychology is a social science- so therefore, this class will be a liberal arts credit.
Here is another example.
Class: MAT121 Algebra for Nurses vs. NUR121 Algebra for Nurses
In this example, these classes are not the same. MAT121 will be a general education course (math = liberal arts) while NUR121 will be a free elective. More about free electives later.

General Education Electives credits include only credits classified as: math, natural science, social science, and humanities- this is an overflow area.

[INDENT][/INDENT]Once you have met all of your college's general education requirements (12 social science, 12 humanities, etc) then any additional courses in these areas will overflow into GENERAL EDUCATION ELECTIVES. In this area, the only requirement is that the course be from the liberal arts area- in other words it's an elective because they are not restricting you from picking the subject. You could have 18 credits in humanities- or 3's up to you. This type of elective must be liberal arts.

This area is specific to your area of study. The classes in this area are usually very specific, can be from any classification, and in any amount. Where a class is classified if it is OUTSIDE a major is irrelevant- if it is a major requirement, that trumps everything else. The class Microeconomics, for example, can be a major requirement (also called core requirement). In this case, the fact that it would be social science in someone else's degree doesn't matter. In this degree it is a core/major. Likewise, the course Global Business would be a free elective in another degree, while the business student would include that in major.

Free Electives This is the only area without restriction. Any overflow from Gen Ed Electives, Major, or previous transfer credits can all fall here. This is the bottom of the hierarchy, the basement if you will. Even as a business major, a class in welding could be "used" because the credit was regionally accredited or ACE evaluated. FEMA classes fall here. Credits that are free electives either start here (because they are not liberal arts or in major) or they end up here (as overflow from another area). In the first example, the NUR121 Algebra for Nursing will be in this category because it is not a math class- it is a nursing class. Now, only if the student was a BSN/nursing student would there be a possibility of this class being raised up to major/concentration.

Unofficial Evaluations
You can get a general idea of where your credits are going to be classified if you follow these principles. For anyone with an AAS/AOS degree- the majority of your credits will be free electives if they are not your new major. (because- in major can be dictated by the college- all rules are out the window) If you have an AA/AS, then the majority of your credits will be liberal arts, thus the overflow will put you in an optimal position of only needing credits in major + free electives.
There is one area that can be confusing- computers. Some schools consider computer courses math, others consider it an applied technology course. Otherwise, credit evaluation is very very simple- and when you pull together all of your transcripts- simply look for the prefix (also called alphas) and classify.

A short list of prefixes, there are millions more

Liberal Arts:
MAT, math
*some computer prefixes apply, but I'm leaving those off

BIO, biology
CHE, CHM, chemistry
PHY, physics

PHI, PHL, philosophy
ART, art
MUS, music
LIT, literature
ENG, english
REL, religion
FRE, french
SPA, SPI, SPN, spanish
GER, german
RUS, russian

ANT, anthropology
ARC, archeology
PSY, PSC, PSYH, psychology
SOC, sociology
SOS, social sciences
ECO, economics
GVT, government
HIS, history
CMJ, CJ, criminal justice

Not Liberal Arts - everything else
Courses taught from these departments are NOT liberal arts:
Business, Nursing, all health fields, counseling or social work, law enforcement, culinary arts, Industrial arts, anything with the word technology in the department name, child care, most classes in certificate programs, all continuing education programs, cosmetology, welding, equestrian, accounting, horticulture, and ALL CLASSES from departments that offer AAS or AOS degrees instead of AS or AA degrees - no matter the title.

The numeric part of alpha-numerics.
000- remedial course. Can count as credit (for financial aid, to determine course load, enrollment status, as a pre-req) but does not count as meeting degree requirement.
100 - one hundred level, freshman
200 - two hundred level, sophomore
300 - three hundred level, junior
400 - four hundred level, senior

some colleges require x number of credits at each level. Schools like TESC count 200 and above as upper level (for purposes of credit in major) while other schools like EC spell out 300 and 400 level requirements. Generally, courses at the 100 level are not allowed as part of your major- but some schools, like TESC, will allow a few (TESC allows 2).

Here is an attempt at a flow chart to sum up the concepts:

Math = Liberal Arts Gen Ed requirement -> Overflows to Gen ed. electives -> Overflows to free elective
Natural Science = Liberal Arts Gen Ed requirement -> Overflows to Gen ed. electives -> Overflows to free elective
Humanities = Liberal Arts Gen Ed requirement -> Overflows to Gen ed. electives -> Overflows to free elective
Social Science = Liberal Arts Gen Ed requirement -> Overflows to Gen ed. electives -> Overflows to free elective
Courses in major = Major requirement -> Overflows to free elective (unless from math, science, humanities, soc science dept- use flow chart)
Everything Else = Free electives
Thanks for that post. That's a wonderful help when searching info. on what courses are needed where.

Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
Still learning all of the lingo and this is great!
Thank you- this tread isn't getting much action, but this is a great way to do your own "unofficial evaluation" if you are still in the investigating phase- or also for planning credits. It's something that I only learned once I enrolled at TESC- amazingly enough, working as a community college teacher and previously as a program advisor, I DIDN'T KNOW how credits were classified! :eek:
You did an excellent job on this as always, Jennifer!

Now it is our job to point people to this, so they have the tips they need for how to build a degree plan.

Thank you for doing this!
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
Great thread, Jennifer. I wish it had been available when I was trying to figure things out!

The only thing I would add is related to the part about 200 level classes at TESC. TESC counts ANYTHING from a 4 year university as an upper level class regardless of the number. The following is from an advisor you recommended once. Smile I wrote him because I wanted to 'make sure' and have something in writing. Although it's in response to Florida colleges, it would apply elsewhere.

Saint Petersburg used to be a community/junior college but is now a baccalaureate institution and as such, any courses completed there from the time they became a baccalaureate school would be considered baccalaureate credits, NOT "community/junior college" credits.

This has nothing to do with the course number or "level" of the course (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). Any and all credits earned at St Petersburg would transfer here as bachelor's level credits whether they carried a course number at the 100, 200, 300 or 400 level.

Florida CC Jax is a community college and any and all credits earned there would transfer here as Community College credits.

Hope that helps.
Of course, some schools have to make up their own rules! At UPenn, in some departments (like economics and anthropology) the lower level courses are numbered 1-99. Upper-level is 100-199, and anything 200 and higher is for seniors in the major and may also be considered graduate-level. In other departments, the conventional 100-200-300-400 system is used. UPenn showed utter disregard for my EC advisor's sanity. :p
BSLS Excelsior College, conferred 9-09
started MS in Instructional Design program, Spring 2010

April 4 2009 through July 6 2009: 1 GRE subject exam + 1 Penn Foster credit + 11 DANTES exams = 61 credits. Average per-credit cost = $23.44.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." (Maria Robinson)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
a mom Wrote:Great thread, Jennifer. I wish it had been available when I was trying to figure things out!

The only thing I would add is related to the part about 200 level classes at TESC. TESC counts ANYTHING from a 4 year university as an upper level class regardless of the number. The following is from an advisor you recommended once. Smile I wrote him because I wanted to 'make sure' and have something in writing. Although it's in response to Florida colleges, it would apply elsewhere.

Saint Petersburg used to be a community/junior college but is now a baccalaureate institution and as such, any courses completed there from the time they became a baccalaureate school would be considered baccalaureate credits, NOT "community/junior college" credits.

This has nothing to do with the course number or "level" of the course (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). Any and all credits earned at St Petersburg would transfer here as bachelor's level credits whether they carried a course number at the 100, 200, 300 or 400 level.

Florida CC Jax is a community college and any and all credits earned there would transfer here as Community College credits.

Hope that helps.

I think you are misunderstanding what that means. This is TESC's fault IMO for their answer to you, their wording in that answer was crappy. The distinction in your question to the advisor (Todd Siben?) was that you asked if they were considered community college vs 4 year institution, not upper vs lower level. When they said it had nothing to do with the course number of level, this referrs to how they come in (bachelor or cc).

That means that the credits won't count toward the 90 Community College cap because they come from a bachelor level (AKA 4-year) college.

So, ENG101 from a community college counts toward the 90 cap, but ENG101 from St. Petersburg would not.

Basically, we have apples and oranges because they are 2 different issues. ENG101 is still, however, a 100 level course and wouldn't be considered upper level (in-major) no matter where it came from. This can be confused by TESC's policy allowing 2 classes at the 100 level in major, but let's assume you brought in 33 credits from St Petersburg. They were all 100 level. They would NOT all count in major, only 2 classes would. If those same classes were all 200 level, you'd be fine because they are both a) upper level, and b) not exceeding the 90 credit junior/community college cap.

I hope I didn't ruin your day :eek:
Jennifer, I am so confused. I pasted his evaluation from TESC below. They have received the transcripts for most of the classes in parenthesis but have not updated it yet. Please let me know if you foresee any problems. Thanks!

BA General Education Distribution (42 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 43.00
Complete all 5 subrequirements:
A: English Composition (Completed)
> Complete one full year of English Composition with an
> average grade of C.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
Group 1 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENC1101 Eng Composition I........ 3.00 A ENC-101 *CC *TE
1.. ENC1102 Eng Comp II Intern....... 3.00 A ENC-102 *CC *TE

B: Humanities (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours of Humanities, including at
> least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. THE2000 Theatre Appreciation..... 3.00 A THA-101 *CC *TE
2.. MUL1010 Music Appreciation....... 3.00 A MUS-100 *CC *TE
3.. REL1240 New Testament Survey..... 3.00 A REL-151 *TE
3.. MMC2000 Intro to Mass Communicati 3.00 A COM-120 *TE

C: Social Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours in the Social Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. SYG2000 Introductory Sociology... 3.00 A SOC-101 *TE
3.. POS2041 American National Governm 3.00 A POS-110 *TE
3.. PSY1012 General Psychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *TE
2.. INP1390 Human Relations.......... 3.00 A MAN-251 *CC *TE

D: Mathematics (Completed)
> Complete a 3 semester hour college-level Mathematics
> course.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. MGF1107 Mathematics Forliberal Ar 3.00 A MAT-103 *TE

E: Natural Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours in the Natural Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 10.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ESC1000 Earth & Space Sci........ 3.00 A EAS-101 *CC *TE
1.. CGS1000I Comp Concept Int......... 3.00 A CIS-107 *CC *TE
4.. MAT121 College Algebra.......... 4.00 A MAT-121 *CC *TE
BA General Education Electives (18 SH)
> Complete 18 semester hours from any of the following
> General Education subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences,
> Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
!! Exception
Over in Natural Sciences; needs 17 credits
Staff: touchnet Date: 06/02/09 Page: 3

Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. PHI1603 Applied Ethics........... (3.00) --- PHI-180 *CC *PL *TE
2.. SYG2010 Social Problems.......... (3.00) --- SOC-173 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2002 Child Psychology......... (3.00) --- PSY-112 *CC *PL *TE
3.. MUT1001 Fundamentals of Music.... (3.00) --- MUS-142 *PL *TE
3.. MMC2700 Popular Arts............. (3.00) --- GEN-299 *PL *TE
3.. PHI1010 Intro to Philos.......... (3.00) --- PHI-101 *PL *TE
BA Liberal Studies 2000(33 SH)
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
> Complete 33 semester hours in the Liberal Studies area
> of study. At least TWO or more different subjects must
> be included to provide breadth of knowledge in the
> Liberal Studies Area (e.g., AREA I: Humanities courses:
> 18 semester hours; AREA II: Social Sciences courses: 9
> semester hours; AREA III: Natural Sciences courses: 6
> semester hours). Courses transferred to Thomas Edison State
> College are equated to the following levels: "100", "200",
> "300" or "400." A maximum of TWO college-level
> courses equating to the "100" level can be applied
> toward the Liberal Studies area of study. A deeper
> knowledge of subjects is provided by requiring the
> remaining Liberal Studies area college-level courses
> equate to levels "200", "300" or "400."
Semester Hours Completed: 33.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. CLP2140 Abnormal Psychology...... (3.00) --- PSY-350 *PL *TE
2.. SYG2430 Marriage & Family........ (3.00) --- SOC-210 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2302 Adolescnt Psycholo....... (3.00) --- PSY-342 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2004 Human Growth Dvlpm....... 3.00 A PSY-210 *CC *TE
3.. INR2002 International Relations.. (3.00) --- POS-315 *PL *TE
3.. REL-2300 World Religions.......... (3.00) --- REL-405 *PL *TE
3.. REL1210 Old Testament Survey..... 3.00 A REL-329 *TE
3.. OST2335 Professional Comm Skills. 3.00 A COM-300 *TE
1.. CET2615 Switch Inter Rout........ 3.00 A CMP-341 *CC *TE
1.. SPC2600 Intro Pub Speak.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE
2.. REL2000 Intro to Religion........ (3.00) --- REL-100 *CC *PL *TE
BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COP1000I Software Devel Int....... 3.00 A CIS-351 *CC *TE
1.. CGS2287 Wireless Lans and Se..... 3.00 A CAP-347 *CC *TE
1.. CGS1263I Intro Network Intnt...... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
1.. CIS2356 Firewall and Vpn......... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
1.. CIS1350 Intro Network Security... 3.00 A CAP-385 *CC *TE
1.. CET2750I A Ntwork Ccept Int....... 3.00 A CAP-302 *CC *TE
1.. CIS1354 Prin Info Security....... 3.00 A CIS-344 *CC *TE
1.. CGS2304 Manage Info Tech......... 3.00 A CIS-301 *CC *TE
1.. CET2880 Intro Comp Forensi....... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------

Staff: touchnet Date: 06/02/09 Page: 4
1 CGS1565 Micro Oper System 3.00 A CIS-110 *TE*CC
1 CET1178C Miccomp Sys Repair 3.00 A ELM-151 *TE*CC
1 CGS1100I Micro Apps Intnt 3.00 A CAP-225 *TE*CC
1 CGS2820 Web Page Design 3.00 B CAP-350 *TE*CC
1 CET1600 Network Fund Ca 3.00 B CAP-181 *TE*CC
1 CET1610 Router Tech Ca 3.00 A CAP-288 *TE*CC
1 CET2620 Wan Technologies 3.00 B CIS-299 *TE*CC
1 CIS2930 Info Tech Intern 3.00 CR COP-299 *TE*CC
2 ESC1000L Earth Science Lab 1.00 A EAS-199 *TE*CC

(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)
a mom Wrote:Jennifer, I am so confused. I pasted his evaluation from TESC below. They have received the transcripts for most of the classes in parenthesis but have not updated it yet. Please let me know if you foresee any problems. Thanks!

BA General Education Distribution (42 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 43.00
Complete all 5 subrequirements:
A: English Composition (Completed)
> Complete one full year of English Composition with an
> average grade of C.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
Group 1 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENC1101 Eng Composition I........ 3.00 A ENC-101 *CC *TE
1.. ENC1102 Eng Comp II Intern....... 3.00 A ENC-102 *CC *TE

B: Humanities (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours of Humanities, including at
> least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. THE2000 Theatre Appreciation..... 3.00 A THA-101 *CC *TE
2.. MUL1010 Music Appreciation....... 3.00 A MUS-100 *CC *TE
3.. REL1240 New Testament Survey..... 3.00 A REL-151 *TE
3.. MMC2000 Intro to Mass Communicati 3.00 A COM-120 *TE

C: Social Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours in the Social Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. SYG2000 Introductory Sociology... 3.00 A SOC-101 *TE
3.. POS2041 American National Governm 3.00 A POS-110 *TE
3.. PSY1012 General Psychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *TE
2.. INP1390 Human Relations.......... 3.00 A MAN-251 *CC *TE

D: Mathematics (Completed)
> Complete a 3 semester hour college-level Mathematics
> course.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. MGF1107 Mathematics Forliberal Ar 3.00 A MAT-103 *TE

E: Natural Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours in the Natural Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 10.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ESC1000 Earth & Space Sci........ 3.00 A EAS-101 *CC *TE
1.. CGS1000I Comp Concept Int......... 3.00 A CIS-107 *CC *TE
4.. MAT121 College Algebra.......... 4.00 A MAT-121 *CC *TE
BA General Education Electives (18 SH)
> Complete 18 semester hours from any of the following
> General Education subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences,
> Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
!! Exception
Over in Natural Sciences; needs 17 credits
Staff: touchnet Date: 06/02/09 Page: 3

Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. PHI1603 Applied Ethics........... (3.00) --- PHI-180 *CC *PL *TE
2.. SYG2010 Social Problems.......... (3.00) --- SOC-173 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2002 Child Psychology......... (3.00) --- PSY-112 *CC *PL *TE
3.. MUT1001 Fundamentals of Music.... (3.00) --- MUS-142 *PL *TE
3.. MMC2700 Popular Arts............. (3.00) --- GEN-299 *PL *TE
3.. PHI1010 Intro to Philos.......... (3.00) --- PHI-101 *PL *TE
BA Liberal Studies 2000(33 SH)
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
> Complete 33 semester hours in the Liberal Studies area
> of study. At least TWO or more different subjects must
> be included to provide breadth of knowledge in the
> Liberal Studies Area (e.g., AREA I: Humanities courses:
> 18 semester hours; AREA II: Social Sciences courses: 9
> semester hours; AREA III: Natural Sciences courses: 6
> semester hours). Courses transferred to Thomas Edison State
> College are equated to the following levels: "100", "200",
> "300" or "400." A maximum of TWO college-level
> courses equating to the "100" level can be applied
> toward the Liberal Studies area of study. A deeper
> knowledge of subjects is provided by requiring the
> remaining Liberal Studies area college-level courses
> equate to levels "200", "300" or "400."
Semester Hours Completed: 33.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. CLP2140 Abnormal Psychology...... (3.00) --- PSY-350 *PL *TE
2.. SYG2430 Marriage & Family........ (3.00) --- SOC-210 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2302 Adolescnt Psycholo....... (3.00) --- PSY-342 *CC *PL *TE
2.. DEP2004 Human Growth Dvlpm....... 3.00 A PSY-210 *CC *TE
3.. INR2002 International Relations.. (3.00) --- POS-315 *PL *TE
3.. REL-2300 World Religions.......... (3.00) --- REL-405 *PL *TE
3.. REL1210 Old Testament Survey..... 3.00 A REL-329 *TE
3.. OST2335 Professional Comm Skills. 3.00 A COM-300 *TE
1.. CET2615 Switch Inter Rout........ 3.00 A CMP-341 *CC *TE
1.. SPC2600 Intro Pub Speak.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE
2.. REL2000 Intro to Religion........ (3.00) --- REL-100 *CC *PL *TE
BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COP1000I Software Devel Int....... 3.00 A CIS-351 *CC *TE
1.. CGS2287 Wireless Lans and Se..... 3.00 A CAP-347 *CC *TE
1.. CGS1263I Intro Network Intnt...... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
1.. CIS2356 Firewall and Vpn......... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
1.. CIS1350 Intro Network Security... 3.00 A CAP-385 *CC *TE
1.. CET2750I A Ntwork Ccept Int....... 3.00 A CAP-302 *CC *TE
1.. CIS1354 Prin Info Security....... 3.00 A CIS-344 *CC *TE
1.. CGS2304 Manage Info Tech......... 3.00 A CIS-301 *CC *TE
1.. CET2880 Intro Comp Forensi....... 3.00 A CAP-299 *CC *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------

Staff: touchnet Date: 06/02/09 Page: 4
1 CGS1565 Micro Oper System 3.00 A CIS-110 *TE*CC
1 CET1178C Miccomp Sys Repair 3.00 A ELM-151 *TE*CC
1 CGS1100I Micro Apps Intnt 3.00 A CAP-225 *TE*CC
1 CGS2820 Web Page Design 3.00 B CAP-350 *TE*CC
1 CET1600 Network Fund Ca 3.00 B CAP-181 *TE*CC
1 CET1610 Router Tech Ca 3.00 A CAP-288 *TE*CC
1 CET2620 Wan Technologies 3.00 B CIS-299 *TE*CC
1 CIS2930 Info Tech Intern 3.00 CR COP-299 *TE*CC
2 ESC1000L Earth Science Lab 1.00 A EAS-199 *TE*CC

(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)

I'm going to copy this into a word document and look at it tomorrow, I just wanted you to know I saw your post.

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