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Okay, I feel like I am turing into my friend Cookderosa! HI COOK

Let's make it make it a contest. Whoever finds out first if ALEK's is officially (as in listed on the ACE website) back in the business of having an agreement with ACE for college credit (particularly credit at the big 3) wins...well just wins!
As for me, time is running out. I can't keep waiting on ALEK's/ACE. I am in full Khan Academy mode (thanks for the recommendation all) for College Math CLEP since I have to get this credit done or miss my January class registration deadline. My advisor told me that College Math is acceptable and with 6 credits! YAY! No extra Gen Ed needed like we thought. Khan Academy is just a learning system (a tool). You would still have to take a test to prove you understand math. I am pretty much full into study with Khan, so at this point I don't think I would want to switch back to ALEK's. However, does ALEK's offer a class that is (was) equal to the CLEP College Math? I don't see "College Math" on the list? I am thinking ALEK's might be a really good insurance policy for me. But would like this boards feedback on that as an option. It's only 20.00. So it's not a huge loss if they don't get ACE certification this month. Also, if ALEK's does get renewed and they retro it to November 2013, I will have a plan B in case anything goes wrong with CLEP College Math. So here's my latest plan:
1. Prep with Khan Academy, Reinforce with ALEK's and use Instant Cert and Official CLEP Prep book for the next 3 weeks.
2. Take College Math CLEP (6 credits)
3. Take/finish ALEK's as a back up plan in case ALEK's gets accepted/or I have any trouble with College Math CLEP
In case anyone didn't know my story... I am currently in 2 TESC courses one BSN and one MSN course (it's a dual Bachelors with some Masters courses program). We are roughly 1/2 the way done with these two courses, and that means I am only 2 TESC courses away from Graduating. The TESC Nursing program will not let you register for these last two classes without having ALL of your Non-nursing coursework done. I was on track to do that before October semester started. Then all the news about ALEK's not being certified with ACE hit the board. I called ALEK's, they didn't know what the deal was. They were waiting so I waited. Then the news came that they were only certified with ACE until the end of October. Panic set in, I had already booked my other Gen Ed course (Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP) and my last what I thought would count as Gen Ed but did not (Introduction to Management). So I am smack in the middle of a TESC semester now with only this one math course between me and those last 2 TESC courses...and graduating.
I think for me it's best to stick it out with College Math CLEP for the actual 6 credits and just be done with all the uncertainties surrounding ALEK's ACE certification.
keylargo_diver Wrote:I was just looking on the ACE credit website (the National Guide) for FEMA courses and noticed this on banner on the top of the page.
"Attention ALEKS Corporation (McGraw Hill) Students: All courses are currently under review. Pending a successful outcome, credit would be made available for learners effective November 1, 2013."
There wasn't any more details but this looks like a good sign for future ALEKS users.
OST Wrote:I find it funny that the message about ALEKS appeared on the ACE Credit National Guide homepage (ACE CREDIT | The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training) first and now it's appearing on the transcript page at I was planning on calling both ALEKS and ACE, but now I'll wait. 
I'm done!

Thanks to InstantCert,, ALEKS, CLEP and a LOT of work on my part and a lot of support from hubby and family. If I can do it, so can you!
Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - Bachelor of Science Nursing; RN, BSN (Graduated in the top of 1/4 of class with Sigma Theta Tau honors)
+ 3 courses completed towards MSN.
Excelsior College (EC) - Associates in Applied Science (passed NCLEX- RN exam and became a Registered Nurse)
The test's Passed (CLEP'S, DSST's, ALEK's, etc.):
3 Introduction to Sociology
3 Lifespan and Developmental Psychology
3 Humanities (64)
3 History of the United States I (60)
3 History of the United States II (65)
3 American Government (54)
6 Biology (58)
6 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (67)
3 Principals of Management (72)
3 ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra
3 CLEP Intro to Psych
3 ALEKS: Statistics