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Air Force Members
I know of one, but are there any more Air Force members on here? If so, are you planning to apply to OTS with your distance learning degree?
scottcop1 Wrote:I know of one, but are there any more Air Force members on here? If so, are you planning to apply to OTS with your distance learning degree?

I am in the USAF and am retiring in 9 months. Just getting my degrees before I get out. Good Luck!
scottcop1 Wrote:I know of one, but are there any more Air Force members on here? If so, are you planning to apply to OTS with your distance learning degree?

I am air force, and yes I am planning on crossing over to the dark side once I earn my degree.Big Grin
I'm in the Navy, and I plan on going to OCS (OTS). I'm just a short 23 credits away..... hopefully I can get it done by the end of the Summer. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE out there doing the same!
Thanks for all the replys. I know the other person I was talking about on here just got selected for OTS last Friday. I don't want to release his name but I'm not sure if he's still on this forum or not. I'll check on and ask if he minds me releasing his name. If you all have questions, you can ask him. His degree is from Excelsior College where I'm attending as well.
scottcop1 Wrote:Thanks for all the replys. I know the other person I was talking about on here just got selected for OTS last Friday. I don't want to release his name but I'm not sure if he's still on this forum or not. I'll check on and ask if he minds me releasing his name. If you all have questions, you can ask him. His degree is from Excelsior College where I'm attending as well.
I'm in the Coast guard and I already have my bachelor's degree, I plan on applying to the nursing program before I retire.
I'm former AF enlisted, but I'm considering getting back in via Air Guard. I've been talking with a recruiter and found that they have some management positions on the medical side of the 118th in Nashvegas. I'm looking at it due to my age, 36. Normally I'm past the age limit, but they subtract my 4 years active and have a waiver for the extra year past the limit that I'd still be over.

Although it's obviously not active duty, it can lead to a quick inside track for a federal position at the 118th. Then I could basically do the same job that I'd do in the 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks per year as a full time job.

What can I say, I'm really leaning towards that federal retirement plan.Big Grin
scottcop1 Wrote:Thanks for all the replys. I know the other person I was talking about on here just got selected for OTS last Friday. I don't want to release his name but I'm not sure if he's still on this forum or not. I'll check on and ask if he minds me releasing his name. If you all have questions, you can ask him. His degree is from Excelsior College where I'm attending as well.

Sorry I haven't written back... things been a bit crazy. I'm AD Air Force... which is why I'm able to take so many dang tests (since they're free)!

As scottcop1 mentioned, I did in fact get accepted to Officer Training School with my BS from Excelsior. I haven't actually finished the degree -- I have two more tests to take. But it's a pretty frickin' great success story -- no way could I have gotten the degree, from scratch, within two years (with about a solid year of lollygagging) without Smile.

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping you would re-appear for us. What did you get picked up for?
scottcop1 Wrote:SH,
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping you would re-appear for us. What did you get picked up for?

Looks like I'm going to be a Personnelist Smile. Not bad for a Liberal Arts education from Excelsior!

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