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Advice on these three TESU Liberal Arts Capstone advisors?
I was in class with Peck and Haydel.

Haydel will want you to join a weekly Zoom call, partner with other students, exchange personal emails and phone numbers so you can talk with them. It is not "required" but in her class, it really is because if you say you can't do it, she will tell you that you will be "hindered" and she will tell you to find a partner.

This can be a good or bad thing, depending on the student.  She also wants your home number to call you, and she will call you according to her schedule. So on the one hand, if you need this level of support, you will get it. But some students may find it intrusive and unnecessary. 

Dr. Peck has a huge ego. She marked one of my papers as failing to answer the question. I think she was in a hurry, because I answered it. I wrote back to her and bolded the sections of the paper where I obviously answered. Then she changed her story and said she wanted me to submit it as written in the first person. You know, "I think...." and so on. A first person paper isn't part of the curriculum, it's not in the rubrics, not in any part of the class description, but it would have saved her face for making the earlier mistake. Therefore, I don't see her as a mentor to be trusted and I would avoid her class in case you end up face-to-face with her ego.
(10-04-2018, 05:18 PM)Jenna.C Wrote:
(10-02-2018, 07:28 PM)vetvso Wrote: Okay I'm going to start my capstone next month and Haydel seems to be a good choice. Now my main question is can we write out paper about what we want or does the instructor choose?

You get to pick your topic. If your instructor requires original research, some topics will probably not work. Dr. Haydel does require original research.
You then come up with a major question and sub-questions related to the topic. The instructor responds with feedback on whether your questions are appropriate or will work. 

As far as taking it next month, I'm not sure if Dr. Haydel is teaching it next month. I think instructors teach it every three months, starting again after the last class has already finished. I'm sure there will be other good instructors though to choose from.

(10-02-2018, 08:11 PM)jane_eyre11 Wrote: Dr. Black is awesome! U was dreading the capstone but Dr. Black made it bearable. He is a TESU alumni so it felt nice having a professor that has "been there". He makes himself available and grades assignments quickly. If there is something wrong with an assignment he will provide his phone number so you can call him until midnight or 12:30.He wants you to succeed but expect to work hard no matter who your mentor is. You will learn a lot a come out of this experience ready to take on the world ?

I'm so glad you had a great experience! 
And thank-you for the advice! If I survive this course, I certainly will!
I was just in Dr. Haydel's class two weeks ago. She explicitly discouraged original research for the capstone project, and encouraged students with original research ideas to save it for their master's thesis.

She is EXTREMELY supportive, and provides an extra live Zoom session each week to help everyone stay on track.

If you are a student who likes this level of support, she is a good match. However, if you want to be left alone and just eek it out without extra help, then she is not the right choice.

(10-02-2018, 07:28 PM)vetvso Wrote: Okay I'm going to start my capstone next month and Haydel seems to be a good choice. Now my main question is can we write out paper about what we want or does the instructor choose?

You choose, but the instructor will have an opinion about it and provide guidance as to whether your choice will produce a paper that meets the course requirements and/or will help you get a good grade.

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