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Advanced Enlistment with College Credits
Has anyone received the automatic promotion to E-2 or E-3 upon joining the military by using CLEP/DSST credits? What about ACE credits? I'm looking into this for my brother who wants to join the Air Force but has no credits yet
TESU BSBA in General Management
CCAF AAS in Computer Science Technology

Resources used:  CLEP, DSST,
Penn Foster, Sophia, StraighterLine, TEEX, NFA, ALEKS, The Institutes
Decades ago, I received automatic promotion to E3 for one year of B&M courses, so I can't advise on whether the military accepts test-out credits. If it turns out that they don't (and I'd be disappointed and surprised in them if that were the case), your brother could find a community college which accepts up to 30 credit hours of credit from CLEPs/DSSTs, apply there, and have them accept the credit. Then, get a transcript from the community college.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
My brother needed one more class to be promoted to E-3 upon basic graduation so he took a clep. This was 8 or so years ago. It may need to be on an actual transcript so he might need to apply to a college.
This is boarder line not worth it if he enlists in the air force and signs up for 6 years, because he will have e-3 upon tech school graduation. If it is a long tech school or he enlists for 4 years, (or does another branch, IDK their rules) here is what I'd do.

If I were to enlist again, knowing what I know now, I would get the 45 credits for e-3 but not through CLEPs. I would probably do the 3 TEEX courses for 6 cr, knock out 12 cr though ALEKS, and then take 9 classes through Straighterline for $50 each (find a $100 promo code) and enroll at TESC. Possibly replace a SL for a TECEP to ensure he is an "enrolled" student. (MAT-105 should be cake if he is fresh out of HS)

IF YOU GET THE CREDITS DON'T LET THEM TRAP YOU INTO SIGNING FOR 6 YEARS. They will try. Unless your career field requires it, I would not do it. Some career fields do make you sign 6 though, pretty sure ATC & combat control are two. I can't think of any others off the top of my head.

IMHO, it would not be as cost effective to take the CLEPs/DSSTs because he can take the tests for free once he is in the military. UNLESS, he is proficient at another language where he could score 12 CR for $100 with little to no studying.
CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology- COMPLETE
TESC AS - General Managment-COMPLETE
TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems-COMPLETE
gingerbeefE Wrote:I would probably do the 3 TEEX courses for 6 cr, knock out 12 cr though ALEKS, and then take 9 classes through Straighterline

The only issue I see with this is that these credits won't count toward his CCAF... I was thinking he could take 10 CLEPs to get the 45 credits which would be around $1000. I'm advising him to only do 4 years, I remember them trying to pressure me into the 6 years enlistment but I didn't see the point.
TESU BSBA in General Management
CCAF AAS in Computer Science Technology

Resources used:  CLEP, DSST,
Penn Foster, Sophia, StraighterLine, TEEX, NFA, ALEKS, The Institutes
I like ginger's comments about having access to free CLEP/DSST once enlisted- for sure that would be part of a good plan to not only accumulate credit, but wrap up the full degree, even if it's only an associate degree. CLEP and DSST can be used to meet almost all of those requirements (depending on the school of course).

If I were tackling this, I'd enroll at a community college- any community college actually. Choose one with a generous CLEP policy, and simply select that school as the recipient when taking the tests. Choose a college that doesn't charge for this (my CC actually charges $19/credit brought in from CLEP if you can imagine) and you can do this without enrolling in any actual classes - assuming they don't have any funny policy exceptions like completing X residency credits first... But this would absolutely be the fastest and most efficient. While we're talking about it, I don't know what kind of timeline we have, but it would be fun just to fill out a FAFSA and see if a Pell Grant award could happen. This is an automatic thing, so if you did get one, you could -if you wanted- take a few classes too. Killing multiple birds in one semester. I think a resourceful person could accumulate 30 credits over the summer session, especially if distance learning is an option.
I agree about the 6 years trap. When I first joined, I was 100% positive I was going to make it a career, so I signed for 6 and thought I was getting over. Not only did I change my mind later on, some guys were able to get re-enlistment bonuses I was never able to touch ( think $50k). All I got was E4 6 months sooner. Sign for 4. Those 6 months of pay don't add up to much.
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1

Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.

Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.

Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.

Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.

Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
I'm active duty military stationed overseas. (17 years)

All CLEPS/DSST exams go onto the service members Joint Service Transcript (JST) and when it goes to JST gets filed into NSIPS ESR (Electronic Service Record) if US Navy. I'm sure the other services have something similar.

I've applied to 4 colleges (APUS, UMUC, TESC, PENN State) and submitted my "Official JST" which is "Free" and each college evaluated the CLEP/DSST that were listed on the JST transcript.

My advice would be to take all of the CLEP/DSST possible while on active duty. There is no special enlistment or extension required to take these examinations.

For instance: even though DSST: "Vietnam War" doesn't fit into my degree plan. I still took the DSST. Just in case I plan on obtaining a different degree someday and to show others it can be done. I was planning on a History degree someday.

I'm planning on taking TECEP: Technical Writing and also DSST: Technical Writing. Just in case the TECEP isn't given credit later down the road. Same with DSST: Statistics even though I've completed ALEKS.

Point is: DSST/CLEP get on your JST transcript free. Official transcripts are free. Bank all the credits there.

-ALEKS and TECEPS (Not sure if you can get on JST ?) The transcripts from ACE and TESU cost $$$

JST also lists all college courses but every place I've applied asked for the specific college and/or all "Official College" transcripts from previously attended.

EDIT: In the US Navy if a Sailor has a AA or BA in paygrades E4-E6 they recieve points which are added to a "Final Multiple" which consists of Evaluation marks, Test Score and Award Points. Each category weighted differently. Sometimes Sailors miss a promotion by 1 - 2 points. Later on in paygrades E7 - E9 they have "Selection Boards" and a degree definitely helps as well for Officer Commisioning programs.

Not sure about E2 - E3. (Sailor serves XX months) E3 is an automatic promotion. Pushing responsibility on a young service member very quickly is not always the best for professional development (Enlisted) unless mature. E3 Sailor straight out of bootcamp has strong chance of making E4 shortly after reporting. All E1-E3 Sailors that served TIR time in rate notice very quickly that E3 Sailor straight out of bootcamp is an E4. The non-rated E1 - E3 often have more experience than the new inexperienced E4. Sometimes a little animosity exists there.

Young E4 has to work harder and get technical skills , leadership and qualifications very quickly. All eyes are on new E4 and sometimes a small mistake looses a stripe. Where as the same small mistake for an E2 is punished a little differently. More is expected of the E4 even though fresh out of bootcamp.

Sailor that comes in as an E1 has less responsibility. More time to grow and learn trade. More time to take DSST/CLEP. They normally have to wait 1 year (1 year at command after reporting from bootcamp) for a first term sailor to recieve TA tuition assistance anyway. Not for DSST/CLEP.

Coming from a Salty Sailor ...

fsmaine0020 Wrote:Point is: DSST/CLEP get on your JST transcript free. Official transcripts are free. Bank all the credits there.


Basically what I was saying. However, if he does decide on Air Force like you were planning, then he will not get a JST.
Community College of the Air Force is considered its own college, all classes are evaluated by the Air Force college rather than ACE (Like the other branches) There are some pros and cons to this however he would need to decide what his goals are.

Like you said above to what I recommended, the classes would not help him obtain a CCAF. However, IMHO the CCAF was a waste a time in most cases. AU-ABC program is garbage ( atleast my career field/major selection) and a lot of the CCAFs are irrelevant to what you will do in the future. Although the CCAF is basically required to move up through the hire enlisted ranks. There are several smart ways he could approach this situation, for example if you know the 45 credits from SL/ ALEKS won't apply towards CCAF then he could select credits that would apply towards his bachelors but not CCAF.

So he would purposely save the following classes for when he is in the military
College Comp CLEP (I think TECEP ENG-101 will work too)
Principles of public speaking DSST
Analyzing and Int Lit. CLEP
Principles of management CLEP + Principles of Supervision DSST (Or just wait to go to ALS)
College math CLEP (MAT-105 from TECEP is not an overlap, neither is ALEKS)
Any History/Social Science CLEP

Not to mention even if he has finished the courses another way doesn't mean he can't take the CLEP/DSST for free once he is in the service to get the CCAF. I would take the fastest route possible to get the 45 credits, It can be done in a month with ALEKs/Straighterline. Hell, If he is a good tester I wouldn't even recommended enlisted, If he can finish the degree in 6 months it would be stupid to not try to be an officer. (some people wait longer than 6 months to get a job assignment for the AF)

Sorry if I sound bitter, I just don't see a practical application for my CCAF AAS in Space Operations technology or whatever.

Did he have a particular career field in mind?
CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology- COMPLETE
TESC AS - General Managment-COMPLETE
TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems-COMPLETE
I will talk about my experience in the Army with this, I don't know how it relates to the Air Force.

"All CLEPS/DSST exams go onto the service members Joint Service Transcript (JST) and when it goes to JST gets filed into NSIPS ESR (Electronic Service Record) if US Navy. I'm sure the other services have something similar.

I've applied to 4 colleges (APUS, UMUC, TESC, PENN State) and submitted my "Official JST" which is "Free" and each college evaluated the CLEP/DSST that were listed on the JST transcript.

My advice would be to take all of the CLEP/DSST possible while on active duty. There is no special enlistment or extension required to take these examinations."

My experience here is pretty much the same and I agree take all the CLEP/DSSTs possible on active duty. Do try to study for them and pass them. They are free the first time, not the second time.

"Not sure about E2 - E3. (Sailor serves XX months) E3 is an automatic promotion. Pushing responsibility on a young service member very quickly is not always the best for professional development (Enlisted) unless mature. E3 Sailor straight out of bootcamp has strong chance of making E4 shortly after reporting. All E1-E3 Sailors that served TIR time in rate notice very quickly that E3 Sailor straight out of bootcamp is an E4. The non-rated E1 - E3 often have more experience than the new inexperienced E4. Sometimes a little animosity exists there.

Young E4 has to work harder and get technical skills , leadership and qualifications very quickly. All eyes are on new E4 and sometimes a small mistake looses a stripe. Where as the same small mistake for an E2 is punished a little differently. More is expected of the E4 even though fresh out of bootcamp."

TIS in the Army to make E4 is 18 months with waiver and 2yrs without waiver regardless of the rank they came in as. In the Army E4 (Specialist) is an automatic promotion. That being said I came into my unit with 2 brand new E4s (they both had Bachelor degrees), after a while I (E2, at the time) was placed in charge of them by our squad leader. They were not expected to learn faster or display leadership skills any faster then I was. Your NCOs are not idiots (at least not all of them) they knew as the older male (and way more experienced in general) I was the better soldier and they knew that the E4s were just as new to the army as I was. They also saw that I worked harder, learned faster and displayed more common sense (their is a serious lack of this with some recruits), not to mention the E4s relied on me to get to work and to help them with personally matters (the NCOs also knew this). My only point here is to not let the possibility of more responsibilities to scare you away from an early promotion, your NCOs/leaders will know you are brand new.
I'm all for taking CLEPs and DSSTs while active duty, but in my brother's situation I'm trying to help him get E3 right out of BMT by using CLEPs before the military. I've watched friends slowly climb the ladder from E1 to E3 and they were miserable because they were the lowest ranking person. They got all the awful jobs because most other programmers that came in had the 45 college credits necessary to get E3 right away.

My parents will probably pay for his CLEPs since he is still in high school, so money isn't really an issue. He will more than make up that money by getting E3 wages from the beginning anyway. I'm just trying to save him 3 semesters of butt-in-seat courses so he can join right out of high school. So my specific question is, "Has anyone had their CLEP credits accepted by MEPS to get the early promotion?" I see that some of you had the tests transcribed through a college, but did you have to send them your transcript from CLEP anyways?

This person has a similar question, but he didn't post whether it worked or not:

Thanks for all the input!
TESU BSBA in General Management
CCAF AAS in Computer Science Technology

Resources used:  CLEP, DSST,
Penn Foster, Sophia, StraighterLine, TEEX, NFA, ALEKS, The Institutes

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