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Adieu. Aufwiedersehen. Gesundheit. Farewell.
Hello DegreeForum community,

I just now noticed the latest developments in this thread and am as stunned and disappointed as the rest of you to learn that Jennifer went back and deleted all of her posts. We strictly keep users from doing that since it wreaks havoc on the organization of our forum and existing threads, results in broken links from the search engines, and in general, is just inconsiderate to the whole community. It was an abuse of the privilege I gave her as a long-standing member of the forum.

Regardless of her motives, someone as experienced as she was clearly knew the kind of damage her actions were going to do, so I don't think there's any reason to "withhold judgment." If she had really cared, she would have reached out to me or one of the moderators to find a solution that would work for everyone.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adieu. Aufwiedersehen. Gesundheit. Farewell. - by sgloer - 01-16-2020, 12:27 PM

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