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36% of employees earning $100,000+ living paycheck to paycheck
I live in a red zone.  I have all the basics (the basic package does not include recreational vehicles, expensive vacations or restaurants).  There is no extra money floating around.  I could make more money if I wanted to but my quality of life would drop (according to my personal criteria).  I eat good food, drive a good car and live in a nice house in the woods.  I have retirement money but, like everyone else, I worry that there won't be enough of it.  I consider myself lucky and I know a lot of people who have less.  I know it's different in different places.  Costs in places like NYC, San Francisco are out of sight.  I couldn't afford to live there on my present salary, etc.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 36% of employees earning $100,000+ living paycheck to paycheck - by Alpha - 06-17-2022, 01:06 PM

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