Forum Threads Posts Last Post
CLEP, DSST, and TECEP Exam Discussion. Also Modern States and InstantCert.
Specific to exam prep and testing. Also, any discussion about Modern States and InstantCert goes here.
Sub Forums:
Clep Study Guide,
CLEP/DSST Testing Center Reviews
388 2,954 How to Register for TECEP...
02-27-2025, 08:37 PM
by Miggies
Degree Planning Advice
For those threads asking for *detailed* help in putting a degree plan together. If you're listing out all of the credits you already have, this thread is probably for you.
Sub Forums:
Finalized Degree Plans
1,767 22,407 Degree planning for teen
3 hours ago
by ElderlyLeemur
General Education-Related Discussion
Very general education-related discussion. Check the other areas first.
Sub Forums:
Free Courses and Certificates and Good Deals
19,386 150,465 UoPeople WASC Accredited ...
5 minutes ago
by Ares
Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion
Discussion for all non-CLEP/DSST/TECEP ACE-approved online credit sources
3,197 34,928 English Composition I Sop...
8 hours ago
by somethingdudesomething
Graduate School Discussion
Talk about grad schools -- admissions, course work, success stories...
Moderated By: ashkir
Sub Forums:
Doctorate Degree Discussion
1,934 26,709 WWU DBA Journey
Yesterday, 07:52 AM
by withrown

Specific College Discussion
Forums for individual colleges with the idea of stimulating discussion and sharing of information among current and potential students of those colleges.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion
Discussion specifically related to TESU. TECEP-related discussion may be better suited to the Testing Discussion area.
2,180 23,465 New here! Need Help with...
03-01-2025, 07:34 PM
by Jonathan Whatley
EU - Excelsior University Discussion
262 2,427 NEW: Excelsior Students M...
02-27-2025, 01:23 PM
by bjcheung77
COSC - Charter Oak State College Discussion
243 2,380 New Programs
08-09-2024, 08:35 AM
by Dr. Doom
WGU - Western Governors University Discussion
403 3,906 WGU MSCS and MSSWE
02-25-2025, 02:09 PM
by Jwheels27
UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion
1,456 17,085 OOLS? UMPI transfer credi...
10 minutes ago
by Hotdogman1
Pierpont and other Associates Degrees
283 4,264 Best AAS Options for Alte...
02-28-2025, 05:42 PM
by Ares
General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges
If it is specific to a different college (for example, SNHU or some other college that does not have its own forum) or general "Big Three" discussion.
464 6,573 SNHU & BA in Graphic Desi...
02-28-2025, 07:47 PM
by Avidreader

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Off Topic
Talk about the weather, politics, or anything that isn't Education/Degree related
Sub Forums:
What does this Flashcard mean or Do this math problem for me
3,113 31,041 Sorry - Just a little mor...
16 minutes ago
by NotJoeBiden
Military Discussion
This area is oriented towards active duty and ex-military users. All military-specific topics belong here.
534 4,081 General "Rasin" Caine is ...
02-24-2025, 07:10 AM
by Charles Fout

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
[ARCHIVE] Excelsior, Thomas Edison, and Charter Oak Specific Discussion
These are all OLD posts related to the "Big Three" (pre-2019). Please create any new threads or posts in one of the specific college forum areas above.
8,425 69,500 Study.com Employee Discou...
09-23-2018, 12:44 PM
by Luiscastaneda25

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